Re: An idea for prefetching swapped memory...

Chris Friesen (
Mon, 07 Apr 2003 16:44:06 -0400

Robert White wrote:

> It would be interesting to have the system keep track of page faults for
> each process and then make a ratio of Page_Faults/Program_Size (or maybe
> RSS?). The smaller this number is the higher its pages are on the priority
> queue.

This sounds quite interesting, and might actually be implementable.

> [ASIDE: The tracking might actually be better by "memory image" instead of
> "process" so that multi-threaded code will compete based on the sum of their
> threads activities...?]

Works for me. We're dealing with memory here, it might make sense to
differentiate based on memory.


Chris Friesen                    | MailStop: 043/33/F10
Nortel Networks                  | work: (613) 765-0557
3500 Carling Avenue              | fax:  (613) 765-2986
Nepean, ON K2H 8E9 Canada        | email:

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