some days ago some friends and me argued about a feature which seems not to=
included in current OSs but could improve useability mainly for desktop=20
The idea was about prefetching swapped out pages when some memory is free, =
CPU is idle and the I/O load is low.
So this should not 'cost' much but behave better on following situation:
(I think there are even more such situations, this one should just be an=20
One is surfing the internet and having some browser windows opened. Now,=20
without closing the browser windows, he is playing some game which needs=20
pretty much memory so the browsers memory is getting swapped out. After=20
finishing gaming he's going to make some coffee and then surfing the intern=
But even if the computer was IDLE for a time and, as the game was closed=20
again, some memory is really FREE, the pages for the browser are swapped in=
just when they are needed and not in advance.
With this feature there should be no performance decrease because only free=
resources would be used, and if pages were swapped in but not be used, they=
stay not dirty and so have not to be written to disk when they are swapped=
out again. But the improvements should be obvious if simply the last swaped=
out pages are swapped in again...
If somebody could give me a hint how to implement this I would try it. I ho=
it will not be very difficult... ;-)
Thank you for reading and perhaps thinking about it...
Best regards
Thomas Schlichter
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