CLAN ideaware and planningware Revision 2

Shlomi Fish (
Mon, 13 Jan 2003 08:06:20 +0200 (IST)

Hi Good People and Kernel Hackes Extraordinaire!

Your humble user-land Perl hacker, hereby announces the second revision of
the CLAN (Comprehensive Linux Archive Network) ideaware and planningware

It contains a whitepaper, a preliminary SPEC and a roadmap. Your feedback
is very welcome, as I'd like to be aware of as many possible catches in
the design as possible before actually starting to write Perl code.

Note that this is a temporary loation. I have already registered but did not yet receive an acknowledgement. I just wanted
to put it on a site I have access to with good connectivity. Once I do get
acknowledgement I'll prepare a nice site with a navigation bar, CSS
styles, and organized good-looking pages. Until then, this site will have
to do.


Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish
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