Re: [BENCHMARK] 2.5.53-mm1 with contest

Con Kolivas (
Thu, 26 Dec 2002 23:56:44 +1100

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On Thu, 26 Dec 2002 08:41 pm, Andrew Morton wrote:
> Con Kolivas wrote:
> > ...
> > process_load:
> > Kernel [runs] Time CPU% Loads LCPU% Ratio
> > 2.5.52 [3] 84.4 79 17 19 1.26
> > 2.5.52-mm1 [7] 91.0 79 18 19 1.36
> > 2.5.52-mm2 [7] 90.3 79 18 19 1.35
> > 2.5.53 [7] 86.9 77 18 21 1.30
> > 2.5.53-mm1 [7] 117.1 58 47 40 1.75
> > Big change in the balance here in process_load. Probably a better balance
> > really given that process_load runs 4*num_cpus processes, and the kernel
> > compile is make -j (4*num_cpus)
> Presumably the run-child-first change. process_load is complex. I
> haven't looked into its dynamics and I'm not sure what, if anything,
> we can conclude from this test.
> > ...
> > The SMP results seem to fluctuate too much between runs even with the
> > average of 7 runs. I'm wondering whether I should even bother with them
> > any more as they dont add any useful information as far as I can see.
> > Comments on this would be appreciated. Andrew?
> Well for the sorts of things which you are interested in, SMP is not the
> target market, shall we say?

Agreed. Can't believe the initial UP v SMP results got slashdotted on
kerneltrap. I doubt anyone made any sense of them let alone made any useful
comment relating to them. I'll drop them in the interest of time and signal
to noise ratio.

> Is the variability seen in other kernels (especially 2.4)? If not then
> we'd need to find out what causes it.

A run through previous tests and a fresh run with vanilla 2.4.20 shows just as
much variation. It seems to be more a function of SMP rather than 2.5.

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