nmi_watchdog=2 should pop once per second, nmi_watchdog=1 pops HZ
(usually 100) times per second. Anything less than once a second is
not working. One possibility is CONFIG_X86_UP_APIC, it should be y for
UP to use nmi_watchdog.
>Is it possible that I'm not seeing the trace because I'm using a VGA
>virtual console rather than a real serial console?
Depends on your boot parameters for console and the levels of console
printk. Console output to X is unlikely to work, output to VGA
(including virtual consoles) should work. Except that some
distributions change printk levels and even redirect output to a
different virtual console.
cat /proc/cmdline should have no console setting or 'console=tty0'.
Change boot options and reboot if necessary.
cat /proc/sys/kernel/printk should report 6 4 1 7, if not then
echo "6 4 1 7" > /proc/sys/kernel/printk
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