AIM Independent Resource Benchmark - Suite IX v1.1, January 22, 1996
Copyright (c) 1996 - 2001 Caldera International, Inc. All Rights
Machine's name : access1
Machine's configuration :PIII/868MHZ/128MB
Number of seconds to run each test [2 to 1000] : 60
Path to disk files : /tmp
Test Elapsed Iteration Iteration Operation
Number Time (sec) Count Rate (loops/sec) Rate
1 add_double Thousand Double Precision Additions/second
linux-2.5.51 60.02 716 11.92936 214728.42
linux-2.5.51[mm1] 60.02 716 11.92936 214728.42
linux-2.5.51[mm2] 60.01 716 11.93134 214764.21
2 add_float Thousand Single Precision Additions/second
linux-2.5.51 60.05 1075 17.90175 214820.98
linux-2.5.51[mm1] 60.00 1074 17.90000 214800.00
linux-2.5.51[mm2] 60.05 1075 17.90175 214820.98
3 add_long Thousand Long Integer Additions/second
linux-2.5.51 60.01 1768 29.46176 1767705.38
linux-2.5.51[mm1] 60.01 1768 29.46176 1767705.38
linux-2.5.51[mm2] 60.01 1768 29.46176 1767705.38
4 add_int Thousand Integer Additions/second
linux-2.5.51 60.02 1768 29.45685 1767410.86
linux-2.5.51[mm1] 60.01 1768 29.46176 1767705.38
linux-2.5.51[mm2] 60.01 1768 29.46176 1767705.38
5 add_short Thousand Short Integer Additions/second
linux-2.5.51 60.00 4419 73.65000 1767600.00
linux-2.5.51[mm1] 60.01 4419 73.63773 1767305.45
linux-2.5.51[mm2] 60.00 4419 73.65000 1767600.00
6 creat-clo File Creations and Closes/second
linux-2.5.51 60.02 2157 35.93802 35938.02
linux-2.5.51[mm1] 60.02 2142 35.68810 35688.10
linux-2.5.51[mm2] 60.02 2176 36.25458 36254.58
7 page_test System Allocations & Pages/second
linux-2.5.51 60.00 8822 147.03333 249956.67
linux-2.5.51[mm1] 60.01 8546 142.40960 242096.32
linux-2.5.51[mm2] 60.00 8606 143.43333 243836.67
8 brk_test System Memory Allocations/second
linux-2.5.51 60.01 3404 56.72388 964305.95
linux-2.5.51[mm1] 60.01 3236 53.92435 916713.88
linux-2.5.51[mm2] 60.01 3327 55.44076 942492.92
9 jmp_test Non-local gotos/second
linux-2.5.51 60.00 318154 5302.56667 5302566.67
linux-2.5.51[mm1] 60.00 318197 5303.28333 5303283.33
linux-2.5.51[mm2] 60.00 318115 5301.91667 5301916.67
10 signal_test Signal Traps/second
linux-2.5.51 60.00 9573 159.55000 159550.00
linux-2.5.51[mm1] 60.01 9517 158.59023 158590.23
linux-2.5.51[mm2] 60.00 9529 158.81667 158816.67
11 exec_test Program Loads/second
linux-2.5.51 60.03 2054 34.21623 171.08
linux-2.5.51[mm1] 60.00 2082 34.70000 173.50
linux-2.5.51[mm2] 60.01 2101 35.01083 175.05
12 fork_test Task Creations/second
linux-2.5.51 60.04 1016 16.92205 1692.21
linux-2.5.51[mm1] 60.03 1022 17.02482 1702.48
linux-2.5.51[mm2] 60.01 1099 18.31361 1831.36
13 link_test Link/Unlink Pairs/second
linux-2.5.51 60.01 9963 166.02233 10459.41
linux-2.5.51[mm1] 60.00 9857 164.28333 10349.85
linux-2.5.51[mm2] 60.00 9929 165.48333 10425.45
14 disk_rr Random Disk Reads (K)/second
linux-2.5.51 60.00 496 8.26667 42325.33
linux-2.5.51[mm1] 60.06 501 8.34166 42709.29
linux-2.5.51[mm2] 60.06 489 8.14186 41686.31
15 disk_rw Random Disk Writes (K)/second
linux-2.5.51 60.12 394 6.55356 33554.22
linux-2.5.51[mm1] 60.17 387 6.43178 32930.70
linux-2.5.51[mm2] 60.07 387 6.44248 32985.52
16 disk_rd Sequential Disk Reads (K)/second
linux-2.5.51 60.02 2813 46.86771 239962.68
linux-2.5.51[mm1] 60.01 2795 46.57557 238466.92
linux-2.5.51[mm2] 60.01 2822 47.02550 240770.54
17 disk_wrt Sequential Disk Writes (K)/second
linux-2.5.51 60.07 646 10.75412 55061.10
linux-2.5.51[mm1]60.07 644 10.72083 54890.63
linux-2.5.51[mm2]60.06 633 10.53946 53962.04
18 disk_cp Disk Copies (K)/second
linux-2.5.51 60.10 509 8.46922 43362.40
linux-2.5.51[mm1]60.06 501 8.34166 42709.29
linux-2.5.51[mm2]60.00 499 8.31667 42581.33
19 sync_disk_rw Sync Random Disk Writes (K)/second
linux-2.5.51 60.91 1 0.01642 42.03
linux-2.5.51[mm1]60.11 1 0.01664 42.59
linux-2.5.51[mm2]60.21 1 0.01661 42.52
20 sync_disk_wrt Sync Sequential Disk Writes (K)/second
linux-2.5.51 76.81 2 0.02604 66.66
linux-2.5.51[mm1]76.42 2 0.02617 67.00
linux-2.5.51[mm2]76.85 2 0.02602 66.62
21 sync_disk_cp Sync Disk Copies (K)/second
linux-2.5.51 77.63 2 0.02576 65.95
linux-2.5.51[mm1]77.86 2 0.02569 65.76
linux-2.5.51[mm2]77.57 2 0.02578 66.00
22 disk_src Directory Searches/second
linux-2.5.51 60.00 10811 180.18333 13513.75
linux-2.5.51[mm1]60.01 10741 178.98684 13424.01
linux-2.5.51[mm2]60.01 10715 178.55357 13391.52
23 div_double Thousand Double PrecisionDivides/second
linux-2.5.51 60.01 1322 22.02966 66088.99
linux-2.5.51[mm1]60.01 1322 22.02966 66088.99
linux-2.5.51[mm2]60.01 1322 22.02966 66088.99
24 div_float Thousand Single Precision Divides/second
linux-2.5.51 60.00 1322 22.03333 66100.00
linux-2.5.51[mm1]60.00 1322 22.03333 66100.00
linux-2.5.51[mm2]60.00 1322 22.03333 66100.00
25 div_long Thousand Long Integer Divides/second
linux-2.5.51 60.03 1592 26.52007 23868.07
linux-2.5.51[mm1]60.03 1592 26.52007 23868.07
linux-2.5.51[mm2]60.04 1592 26.51566 23864.09
26 div_int Thousand Integer Divides/second
linux-2.5.51 60.03 1592 26.52007 23868.07
linux-2.5.51[mm1]60.03 1592 26.52007 23868.07
linux-2.5.51[mm2]60.01 1591 26.51225 23861.02
27 div_short Thousand Short Integer Divides/second
linux-2.5.51 60.01 1591 26.51225 23861.02
linux-2.5.51[mm1]60.03 1592 26.52007 23868.07
linux-2.5.51[mm2]60.03 1592 26.52007 23868.07
28 fun_cal Function Calls (no arguments)/second
linux-2.5.51 60.01 4362 72.68789 37216197.30
linux-2.5.51[mm1]60.01 4362 72.68789 37216197.30
linux-2.5.51[mm2]60.01 4362 72.68789 37216197.30
29 fun_cal1 Function Calls (1 argument)/second
linux-2.5.51 60.00 10231 170.51667 87304533.33
linux-2.5.51[mm1]60.00 10230 170.50000 87296000.00
linux-2.5.51[mm2]60.00 10231 170.51667 87304533.33
30 fun_cal2 Function Calls (2 arguments)/second
linux-2.5.51 60.00 7971 132.85000 68019200.00
linux-2.5.51[mm1]60.00 7968 132.80000 67993600.00
linux-2.5.51[mm2]60.00 7970 132.83333 68010666.67
31 fun_cal15 Function Calls (15 arguments)/second
linux-2.5.51 60.03 2455 40.89622 20938863.90
linux-2.5.51[mm1]60.03 2455 40.89622 20938863.90
linux-2.5.51[mm2]60.03 2455 40.89622 20938863.90
32 sieve Integer Sieves/second
linux-2.5.51 60.47 41 0.67802 3.39
linux-2.5.51[mm1]60.49 41 0.67780 3.39
linux-2.5.51[mm2]60.46 41 0.67813 3.39
33 mul_double Thousand Double Precision Multiplies/second
linux-2.5.51 60.01 833 13.88102 166572.24
linux-2.5.51[mm1]60.05 838 13.95504 167460.45
linux-2.5.51[mm2]60.07 837 13.93374 167204.93
34 mul_float Thousand Single Precision Multiplies/second
linux-2.5.51 60.03 836 13.92637 167116.44
linux-2.5.51[mm1]60.02 835 13.91203 166944.35
linux-2.5.51[mm2]60.05 837 13.93838 167260.62
35 mul_long Thousand Long Integer Multiplies/second
linux-2.5.51 60.00 75687 1261.45000 302748.00
linux-2.5.51[mm1]60.00 75693 1261.55000 302772.00
linux-2.5.51[mm2]60.00 75675 1261.25000 302700.00
36 mul_int Thousand Integer Multiplies/second
linux-2.5.51 60.00 76015 1266.91667 304060.00
linux-2.5.51[mm1]60.00 76013 1266.88333 304052.00
linux-2.5.51[mm2]60.00 75978 1266.30000 303912.00
37 mul_short Thousand Short Integer Multiplies/second
linux-2.5.51 60.00 60527 1008.78333 302635.00
linux-2.5.51[mm1] 60.00 60564 1009.40000 302820.00
linux-2.5.51[mm2] 60.00 60624 1010.40000 303120.00
38 num_rtns_1 Numeric Functions/second
linux-2.5.51 60.00 32603 543.38333 54338.33
linux-2.5.51[mm1] 60.00 32602 543.36667 54336.67
linux-2.5.51[mm2] 60.00 32587 543.11667 54311.67
39 new_raph Zeros Found/second
linux-2.5.51 60.00 79903 1331.71667 266343.33
linux-2.5.51[mm1] 60.00 79905 1331.75000 266350.00
linux-2.5.51[mm2] 60.00 79890 1331.50000 266300.00
40 trig_rtns Trigonometric Functions/second
linux-2.5.51 60.01 2160 35.99400 359940.01
linux-2.5.51[mm1] 60.02 2168 36.12129 361212.93
linux-2.5.51[mm2] 60.01 2168 36.12731 361273.12
41 matrix_rtns Point Transformations/second
linux-2.5.51 60.00 349540 5825.66667 582566.67
linux-2.5.51[mm1] 60.00 349593 5826.55000 582655.00
linux-2.5.51[mm2] 60.00 349515 5825.25000 582525.00
42 array_rtns Linear Systems Solved/second
linux-2.5.51 60.00 959 15.98333 319.67
linux-2.5.51[mm1] 60.05 960 15.98668 319.73
linux-2.5.51[mm2] 60.03 959 15.97535 319.51
43 string_rtns String Manipulations/second
linux-2.5.51 60.01 851 14.18097 1418.10
linux-2.5.51[mm1] 60.06 852 14.18581 1418.58
linux-2.5.51[mm2] 60.06 852 14.18581 1418.58
44 mem_rtns_1 Dynamic Memory Operations/second
linux-2.5.51 60.00 1640 27.33333 820000.00
linux-2.5.51[mm1] 60.02 1910 31.82273 954681.77
linux-2.5.51[mm2] 60.04 1530 25.48301 764490.34
45 mem_rtns_2 Block Memory Operations/second
linux-2.5.51 60.00 131025 2183.75000 218375.00
linux-2.5.51[mm1] 60.00 131053 2184.21667 218421.67
linux-2.5.51[mm2] 60.00 131034 2183.90000 218390.00
46 sort_rtns_1 Sort Operations/second
linux-2.5.51 60.02 2425 40.40320 404.03
linux-2.5.51[mm1] 60.02 2425 40.40320 404.03
linux-2.5.51[mm2] 60.01 2424 40.39327 403.93
47 misc_rtns_1 Auxiliary Loops/second
linux-2.5.51 60.00 32379 539.65000 5396.50
linux-2.5.51[mm1] 60.00 31628 527.13333 5271.33
linux-2.5.51[mm2] 60.00 31911 531.85000 5318.50
48 dir_rtns_1 Directory Operations/second
linux-2.5.51 60.00 13181 219.68333 2196833.33
linux-2.5.51[mm1] 60.00 12621 210.35000 2103500.00
linux-2.5.51[mm2] 60.00 13128 218.80000 2188000.00
49 shell_rtns_1 Shell Scripts/second
linux-2.5.51 60.02 2472 41.18627 41.19
linux-2.5.51[mm1] 60.01 2479 41.30978 41.31
linux-2.5.51[mm2] 60.00 2470 41.16667 41.17
50 shell_rtns_2 Shell Scripts/second
linux-2.5.51 60.00 2479 41.31667 41.32
linux-2.5.51[mm1] 60.01 2478 41.29312 41.29
linux-2.5.51[mm2] 60.02 2480 41.31956 41.32
51 shell_rtns_3 Shell Scripts/second
linux-2.5.51 60.01 2479 41.30978 41.31
linux-2.5.51[mm1] 60.02 2480 41.31956 41.32
linux-2.5.51[mm2] 60.00 2478 41.30000 41.30
52 series_1 Series Evaluations/second
linux-2.5.51 60.00 1464266 24404.43333 2440443.33
linux-2.5.51[mm1] 60.00 1464388 24406.46667 2440646.67
linux-2.5.51[mm2] 60.00 1464074 24401.23333 2440123.33
53 shared_memory Shared Memory Operations/second
linux-2.5.51 60.00 168202 2803.36667 280336.67
linux-2.5.51[mm1] 60.00 157980 2633.00000 263300.00
linux-2.5.51[mm2] 60.00 166154 2769.23333 276923.33
54 tcp_test TCP/IPMessages/second
linux-2.5.51 60.01 11200 186.63556 16797.20
linux-2.5.51[mm1] 60.00 10780 179.66667 16170.00
linux-2.5.51[mm2] 60.00 10927 182.11667 16390.50
55 udp_test UDP/IP DataGrams/second
linux-2.5.51 60.00 49319 821.98333 82198.33
linux-2.5.51[mm1] 60.00 47033 783.88333 78388.33
linux-2.5.51[mm2] 60.00 46617 776.95000 77695.00
56 fifo_test FIFO Messages/second
linux-2.5.51 60.00 92331 1538.85000 153885.00
linux-2.5.51[mm1] 60.00 88371 1472.85000 147285.00
linux-2.5.51[mm2] 60.00 89477 1491.28333 149128.33
57 stream_pipe Stream Pipe Messages/second
linux-2.5.51 60.00 70959 1182.65000 118265.00
linux-2.5.51[mm1] 60.00 70192 1169.86667 116986.67
linux-2.5.51[mm2] 60.00 70782 1179.70000 117970.00
58 dgram_pipe DataGram Pipe Messages/second
linux-2.5.51 60.00 69617 1160.28333 116028.33
linux-2.5.51[mm1] 60.00 68397 1139.95000 113995.00
linux-2.5.51[mm2] 60.00 70214 1170.23333 117023.33
59 pipe_cpy Pipe Messages/second
linux-2.5.51 60.00 248370 4139.50000 413950.00
linux-2.5.51[mm1] 60.00 236957 3949.28333 394928.33
linux-2.5.51[mm2] 60.00 253724 4228.73333 422873.33
60 ram_copy Memory to Memory Copy/second
linux-2.5.51 60.00 1496002 24933.36667 623832834.00
linux-2.5.51[mm1] 60.00 1495745 24929.08333 623725665.00
linux-2.5.51[mm2] 60.00 1495977 24932.95000 623822409.00
Sowmya Adiga
Project Engineer
Wipro Technologies
53/1,Hosur Road,Madivala
Bangalore-560 068,INDIA
Tel: +91-80-5502001 Extn.5086
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