It's possible to enable HT on any pentium 4, you just have to patch the bios
> Hi,
> What I have is, indeed, a hyperthread-enabled Pentium 4. They aren't
> I obtained this one direct from Intel through their Early Access Program.
> The proof in the pudding is that both Windows XP and Linux 2.5.51
> it as having "two" processors. The motherboard is an Intel Maryville2
> chipset), with an option to enable/disable HT on the first BIOS set-up
> screen.
> > Note that just because /proc/cpuinfo shows 'ht' does not mean you can
> > use it in hyperthreaded mode. To do that, you also have to have >1
> > sibling in the physical package. Non-Xeon type P4's don't have the
> > extra sibling, so don't function as a hyperthreaded CPU.
> Mine does, and so will any 3.06 or 3.6 GHz Pentium 4.
> As it is, I'm past the worst of my troubles (knock on wood!) We'll see
> happens in the coming days the machine gets stressed. It looks stable with
> 2.5.51 -- so I guess I'm now a Linux kernel beta tester... ;)
> Thanks much.
> ..Scott
> --
> Scott Robert Ladd
> Coyote Gulch Productions,
> No ads -- just very free (and somewhat unusual) code.
> -
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