Re: Equal cost multipath crash

Jan Kasprzak (
Mon, 25 Feb 2002 15:57:18 +0100

Kristian wrote:
: Jan Kasprzak <> wrote:
: >
: > I had a strange failure of my Linux router yesterday. It is quite
: > uncommon setup, but I wonder what could have caused this. The router
: > started to dump the following messages into the syslog, and it stopped
: > routing so our network was not reachable from the outside world:
: >
: > Feb 24 21:26:49 router kernel: impossible 888
: > Feb 24 21:39:20 router kernel: ible 888
: > Feb 24 21:39:20 router kernel: impossible 888
: > Feb 24 21:39:20 router last message repeated 42 times
: > Feb 24 21:39:20 router kernel: impossible 888
: > Feb 24 21:39:21 router kernel: NET: 344 messages suppressed.
: > Feb 24 21:39:21 router kernel: dst cache overflow
: > Feb 24 21:39:21 router kernel: impossible 888
: > Feb 24 21:39:21 router last message repeated 275 times
: > [... and so on ...]
: Have you applied those grsecurity patches ? I'm getting the same messages with it from time to time when hosts forget to log off. But most of them are harmless and only useful for debugging your firewall-rules.

No. What are the grsecurity patches? This is stock 2.4.17 kernel.


| Jan "Yenya" Kasprzak  <kas at { - work | - private}> |
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