Re: concurrent VM subsystems

CaT (
Fri, 26 Oct 2001 10:33:25 +1000

On Fri, Oct 26, 2001 at 12:35:03AM +0200, Luigi Genoni wrote:
> Obviously I was not meaning that desktops have not to be stable, but they
> are not subjects to long uptimes, at less usually, so page aging is,
> how can I say in correct english?, dealing with different conditions...

No. That made more sense so you're fine. Still, not everyone turns them
on only for a few hours or so. For example, I have 2-4 day uptimes on my
laptop (the power of suspend to disk/ram :) so something that'll eventually
snog up on me simply because I didn't turn my laptop -off- would be damned

CaT        "As you can expect it's really affecting my sex life. I can't help
           it. Each time my wife initiates sex, these ejaculating hippos keep
           floating through my mind."
                - Mohd. Binatang bin Goncang, Singapore Zoological Gardens
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