Re: Linux 2.2.20pre10

Craig Dickson (
Mon, 22 Oct 2001 14:23:02 -0700

Rik van Riel wrote:

> Maybe Alan will allow publishing of the changelogs on
> ?

Earlier today he said he wanted to put them online in a way that US
citizens couldn't get at them. That's simply not acceptable. Now, if he
backs off to simply not including them in email, but publishing them on
a non-US website that is freely accessible to Americans, that might be a
reasonable compromise.

> > From the statistics I've seen in the past, a high percentage of
> > Linux users are US residents.
> If they're unhappy with the consequences of US law, they
> should move.

That sort of remark doesn't merit a response. Particularly since, in
this case, the argument rests on a delusional reading of the DMCA, as
has been argued elsewhere in this thread. I don't defend the DMCA at
all, but let's stick to reality here. It's silly to suggest that Alan
is at any risk of prosecution by publishing a changelog.

> > Perhaps you should step down.
> Alan is doing an absolutely fantastic job of maintaining
> the kernel, I see absolutely no reason why he should stop
> doing that.

Alan has done a great many wonderful things for the kernel, and it would
indeed be very sad if he could not continue to do so. However, if he's
unwilling to do the job completely, making changelogs and all other
public information available without restrictions, then he is no longer
doing a very important part of his job, and someone else should take

Again, remember that Linus himself is living in the US. How can Alan
submit security-related patches to Linus, and explain why they're needed,
without (as Alan sees it) risking prosecution under the DMCA?

> If you want the changelogs for the kernel published in
> the US, why don't you publish them, under your name and
> your full responsability ?

If Alan isn't allowing US residents access to the changelogs, then it's
quite impossible for me to do as you suggest; I can't publish what I
don't have.

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