Re: Linux 2.2.20pre10

Tom Sightler (
Mon, 22 Oct 2001 17:21:55 -0400

> > From the statistics I've seen in the past, a high percentage of
> > Linux users are US residents.
> If they're unhappy with the consequences of US law, they
> should move.

Laws don't get changed by people moving, they get changed working to get
them changed.

> > Perhaps you should step down.
> Alan is doing an absolutely fantastic job of maintaining
> the kernel, I see absolutely no reason why he should stop
> doing that.

I agree with that, I wouldn't want to see this happen either.

> If you want the changelogs for the kernel published in
> the US, why don't you publish them, under your name and
> your full responsability ?

I would gladly publish them on my site, however, I'm unsure how I could get
them, and I unfortunately don't have the skill to completely understand them
from only the source. If someone can help me with this I'll be glad to
provide the space.

Also, shouldn't some company with Linux interest be willing to take on this
risk? Say, Redhat or IBM.


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