Re: LPP (was: The new X-Kernel !)

MichaelM (
Mon, 22 Oct 2001 15:33:07 +0100

From: "Abraham vd Merwe" <>

>See the difference between the O/S in question and the one you might be
>confusing it with is that this O/S was (and still is) written and being
>maintained by technical people. These kind of people like to know what's
>going on. It also happens that the primary audience for these people's work
>is themselves (us) and NOT novices - that my friend, is a bonus, not the
>sole aim of the exercise.

Have you ever thought that people get great difficulties when they try to
change to linux, e.g the partitioning, 3d games graphics ;) etc..

... therefore, only technical and technical-wanna-be people remain?

It's quite clear to me.

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