LPP (was: The new X-Kernel !)

Tim Jansen (tim@tjansen.de)
Mon, 22 Oct 2001 00:19:07 +0200

On Sunday 21 October 2001 23:53, Gábor Lénárt wrote:
> But for being serious ... For example you can build SECURITY into an OS.
> You can install "firewalls" to Windows. And that sw component may ask
> user that it detects something which MAY cause problems, and it asks
> user if this task is allowed or not. And most of "stupid-users" don't
> even read what message said! And if so, it's not helpful at all, since
> the security on answering a question is to KNOW what does it covers.

But part of this problem is that users get too much information that they
don't understand, so they are getting used to ignore it. What you have to do
to make the system easier to use is reduce the amount of information and make
it easier to understand. The boot messages of the kernel are certainly much
more than a regular user needs (and I am speaking those people who are
currently using Windows or Macs, not Linux) and not very helpful for them.


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