Re: Upd: [PATCH NG] alloc_pages_limit & pages_min

Roger Larsson (
Fri, 24 Aug 2001 12:28:13 +0200

On Fridayen den 24 August 2001 11:25, Stephan von Krawczynski wrote:
> On Thu, 23 Aug 2001 21:28:44 +0200
> Roger Larsson <> wrote:
> > Riel convinced be to back off a part of the patch.
> > Here comes an updated one.
> Hello Roger,
> this does not solve my problem with NFS-copies. Just for information. I
> tried and did not work. Besides I expected the patch to make the free pages
> pool somehow bigger during file-copies, but ended up with this situation:
> [snip]
> The MemFree isn't really a lot compared to inact_dirty. knfsd fails at
> least.

Wait a minute - knfsd... hmm...
Suppose knfsd allock without the wait flag - then it could cause this problems
by itself...

> Aug 21 20:14:51 admin kernel: __alloc_pages: 3-order allocation failed
> (gfp=0x20/0).

Who is doing thise allocs?
Add a printout of current->pid with format %d
I bet it is knfsd itself (or a driver it uses).

Another thing to try is to run with non kernel nfs...


Roger Larsson
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