Re: source control?

Gérard Roudier (
Fri, 24 Aug 2001 12:29:21 +0200 (CEST)

On Fri, 24 Aug 2001, Alan Cox wrote:

> > Is Linux development ever going to use source control?
> It does.

Pardon, I missed it. :)

> Or at least many of the development teams do.

Multiple source repositories means no-source-control, IMO.

> That doesn't mean a
> general CVS is a good idea.

So this means that most of programmers are probably idiots, given the
number of projects that use a _single_ source controlled repository. :)

> CVS make it all to easy for other people to
> push crap into your tree.

What other people?
You can only allow trusted people to commit, and backing out crap is quite

The only risk, in my opinion, of using a source-control system is that it
allows easy forking, that is often a bad idea for the long run. On all
other points, it is better, IMO, to use a source-control system with a
unique repository, than penguinish :) manual patching.


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