Re: /proc format (was Device Registry (DevReg) Patch 0.2.0)

Doug McNaught (
25 Apr 2001 17:58:35 -0400

"J . A . Magallon" <> writes:

> Question: it is possible to redirect the same fs call (say read) to different
> implementations, based on the open mode of the file descriptor ? So, if
> you open the entry in binary, you just get the number chunk, if you open
> it in ascii you get a pretty printed version, or a format description like

There is no distinction between "text" and "binary" modes on a file
descriptor. The distinction exists in the C stdio layer, but is a
no-op on Unix systems.


The rain man gave me two cures; he said jump right in,
The first was Texas medicine--the second was just railroad gin,
And like a fool I mixed them, and it strangled up my mind,
Now people just get uglier, and I got no sense of time...          --Dylan
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