Re: /proc format (was Device Registry (DevReg) Patch 0.2.0)

Tim Jansen (
Thu, 26 Apr 2001 00:46:39 +0200

On Wednesday 25 April 2001 23:16, you wrote:
> Not necessarily. If the "extended data" is put following the current data
> (since the data is currently record oriented) just making the output
> format longer will not/should not casue problems in reading the data.
> Alternatively, you can always put one value per record:
> tag:value
> tag2:value2...

Both solutions only work for simple data, they dont help for more complex
things like adding a variable-sized list of structures. Actually the first
devreg version used something like your second proposal and I gave it up
because it wasnt flexible enough to add USB configuration data.


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