Re: orinoco_cs & IrDA

Jean Tourrilhes (
Tue, 24 Apr 2001 15:15:08 -0700

On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 08:47:30PM +0100, Alan Cox wrote:
> > patch (without feedback), whereas Alan picked it up (if I remember
> > correctly it was included in his 'patch-2.4.2-ac28').
> > So now, what should I do with the rest of my updates and the
> > new one that have accumulated since ? Should I wait until you grab the
> > first patch from Alan's tree ? Should I send the new patches directly
> > to Alan so that he can accumulate a monster patch ? Should I just
> > accumulate the patches on my web page ?
> Im happy to accumulate them but please send them to Linus too. I tend not to
> submit stuff on to Linus where there is an active maintainer and assume the
> maintainer will do it when ready.

Oups ! Big mea culpa ! Apologies.
While trying to compile my kernel, I've just realised the the
patch I've downloaded wasn't complete. My browser cut it in the middle
claiming that it was 100% complete.
Downloaded the patch again (patch-2.4.4-pre6), checked that it
was complete, my patch is in. Oups ! Do I feel stupid...

Apologies to everybody... Sorry for the confusion...

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