Re: Can't read SCSI TAPE

Masaki Tsuji (
Wed, 25 Apr 2001 07:15:55 +0900


"Richard B. Johnson" wrote:
> Hmmm...
> Masaki Tsuji <>
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ____ This address
> ... was the address that did the CA-2000-17 attack on one of
> our machines a few weeks ago.
> This is not an accusation, only an observation. You might
> want to tell your network administrator. Sombody at your
> site may be hacking systems.

We're very sorry!

Probabry it's 10th or 11th Apr, isn't it?
I was attacked too, but from outside.

I asked my network administrator about that on 13th Apr, and catched reason.
They said that their network equipments had some probrems, and fixed it.

> SCSI tape problems or your kind are usually caused by a different
> tape compression being used during record and playback. You should
> try to use `mt` to set the compression to something you like
> before you record, and the same compression when you play back
> the tape.

I tried compression option, but It doesn't work well.

I tried ...

# mt datcompression 1
... write
# mt datcompression 1
... read

# mt datcompression 0
... write
# mt datcompression 1
... read

# mt datcompression 1
... write
# mt datcompression 0
... read

# mt datcompression 0
... write
# mt datcompression 0
... read

, but can't

'datcompression' isn't correct option ?

> You can use `cat` and `od` to read/write from a tape before you
> waste a lot file time with `tar`. You can even do:
> ls >/dev/tape
> .... takes a lot of time..
> cat /dev/tape # Read back.
> Blocking/deblocking is done in the driver so you can treat it as
> a "slow-to-start" FIFO.

I tried, and got error message...

# ls >/dev/tape
st0: Write not multiple of tape block size. <----- ???
ls: write error: Input/output error
# cat /dev/tape
[inclemental-] Tue Apr 24 03: ...... <----- looks like good!

Something wrong?

Thanks, for your help.

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Masaki Tsuji
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