> And working around error in running sta makes it actually
> usefull. This is ugly workaround, should not be applied to official
> tree.
> And now questions: Why are numbers reported in hexadecimal? Reporting
> voltage in hexadecimal is nice nonsense to me...
This is a temporary interface, just to see if we're returning values
properly. Your points below are well taken. People really care about
minutes/percentage remaining. In your opinion should we just report that
through /proc or should we keep the data low-level like it is now, and have
a user app do the math, or what?
> I believe that we should keep description: value format, and switch to
> decimal. Plus, units are nonsensical in some cases:
> Remaining Capacity: 59a
> ~~~ should be in mAh, probably
> PS: What should be difference between _info and _status? Both contain
> fields that change with time...
*info corresponds with the _BIF control method, and *status with _BST. I
thought _BIF stuff is static - is it not?
Regards -- Andy
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