Re: [Fwd: [Fwd: Is sendfile all that sexy? (fwd)]]

Kai Henningsen (
20 Jan 2001 16:56:00 +0200 (dean gaudet) wrote on 18.01.01 in <>:

> i'm pretty sure the actual use of pipelining is pretty disappointing.
> the work i did in apache preceded the widespread use of HTTP/1.1 and we

What widespread use of HTTP/1.1?

I justtried the following excercise:

Request a nonexistant page with HTTP/1.1 syntax.

a. Directly from Apache: I get a nice chunked HTTP/1.1 answer.
b. Via Squid: I get a plain HTTP/1.0 answer.

As long as not even Squid talks 1.1, how can we expect browsers to do it?

WebMUX? In a thousand years perhaps.

MfG Kai
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