Degree requirements and studies in general
Degree requirements
The PhD degree was granted by the parent universities and students had to follow the degree requirements of the university where they were enrolled.
The degree requirements usually included taking courses and seminars in the research field as well as in more general subjects such as research ethics, and writing a PhD thesis
Hecse special courses
Each of the three thematic areas used to organize short courses (~4 ects) on current topics. Distinguished foreign visitors were invited to give these lectures.
Special courses of the parent universities
The parent universities offered similar special courses for PhD students in the research areas of Hecse.
Research seminars
The parent universities and HIIT organized several research seminars yearly, many of them led by long-term foreign visitors to the units.
Lectures by visiting scientists
The units hosted a large number of academic visitors to research groups in Hecse, and the guest lectures were an important component of education. The costs were covered by the parent universities.
English courses for researchers
Hecse offered English language courses primarily for new PhD students. The course aimed at improving the presentation and communication capabilities needed in international meetings and collaboration.
Courses in general studies
Both universities offered courses in general studies such as research ethics, the philosophy of research, international activities and general expertise studies.
Hecse summer/autumn/winter school
Hecse used to organize intensive 2-3 day summer (autumn/winter) schools, some of them as national or international collaboration. The summer schools had some invited presentations by expert speakers, and numerous student sessions. All Hecse students were invited to participate.
Network of Finnish Doctoral Programmes in Computer Science
Hecse was part of the National Network of Finnish doctoral programmes of computer science, Figsit. The network provided wider training opportunities for their students, high quality joint events, quality control and improvement, and peer support for both students and supervisors.