Uses of Class

Packages that use TransformerConfigurationException
org.apache.xalan.lib Extension elements and functions shipped with Xalan-Java, including EXSLT functions. 
org.apache.xalan.processor Parses an XSLT stylesheet document (which may include and import other stylesheet documents) and produces a StylesheetRoot (a TRaX Templates object). 
org.apache.xalan.templates Implements the Templates interface, and defines a set of classes that represent an XSLT stylesheet. 
org.apache.xalan.transformer In charge of run-time transformations and the production of result trees. 

Uses of TransformerConfigurationException in javax.xml.transform

Methods in javax.xml.transform that throw TransformerConfigurationException
abstract  Transformer TransformerFactory.newTransformer(Source source)
          Process the Source into a Transformer Object.
abstract  Transformer TransformerFactory.newTransformer()
          Create a new Transformer that performs a copy of the Source to the Result.
abstract  Templates TransformerFactory.newTemplates(Source source)
          Process the Source into a Templates object, which is a a compiled representation of the source.
abstract  Source TransformerFactory.getAssociatedStylesheet(Source source, java.lang.String media, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String charset)
          Get the stylesheet specification(s) associated with the XML Source document via the xml-stylesheet processing instruction that match the given criteria.
abstract  void TransformerFactory.setFeature(java.lang.String name, boolean value)
          Set a feature for this TransformerFactory and Transformers or Templates created by this factory.
 Transformer Templates.newTransformer()
          Create a new transformation context for this Templates object.

Uses of TransformerConfigurationException in javax.xml.transform.sax

Methods in javax.xml.transform.sax that throw TransformerConfigurationException
abstract  TransformerHandler SAXTransformerFactory.newTransformerHandler(Source src)
          Get a TransformerHandler object that can process SAX ContentHandler events into a Result, based on the transformation instructions specified by the argument.
abstract  TransformerHandler SAXTransformerFactory.newTransformerHandler(Templates templates)
          Get a TransformerHandler object that can process SAX ContentHandler events into a Result, based on the Templates argument.
abstract  TransformerHandler SAXTransformerFactory.newTransformerHandler()
          Get a TransformerHandler object that can process SAX ContentHandler events into a Result.
abstract  TemplatesHandler SAXTransformerFactory.newTemplatesHandler()
          Get a TemplatesHandler object that can process SAX ContentHandler events into a Templates object.
abstract  XMLFilter SAXTransformerFactory.newXMLFilter(Source src)
          Create an XMLFilter that uses the given Source as the transformation instructions.
abstract  XMLFilter SAXTransformerFactory.newXMLFilter(Templates templates)
          Create an XMLFilter, based on the Templates argument..

Uses of TransformerConfigurationException in org.apache.xalan.lib

Methods in org.apache.xalan.lib that throw TransformerConfigurationException
 void PipeDocument.pipeDocument(XSLProcessorContext context, ElemExtensionCall elem)
          Extension element for piping an XML document through a series of 1 or more transformations.
 void PipeDocument.usePipe(java.util.Vector vTHandler, java.lang.String source, java.lang.String target)
          Uses a Vector of TransformerHandlers to pipe XML input document through a series of 1 or more transformations.

Uses of TransformerConfigurationException in org.apache.xalan.processor

Methods in org.apache.xalan.processor that throw TransformerConfigurationException
 Templates TransformerFactoryImpl.processFromNode(Node node)
 Source TransformerFactoryImpl.getAssociatedStylesheet(Source source, java.lang.String media, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String charset)
          Get InputSource specification(s) that are associated with the given document specified in the source param, via the xml-stylesheet processing instruction (see, and that matches the given criteria.
 TemplatesHandler TransformerFactoryImpl.newTemplatesHandler()
          Create a new Transformer object that performs a copy of the source to the result.
 void TransformerFactoryImpl.setFeature(java.lang.String name, boolean value)
          Set a feature for this TransformerFactory and Transformers or Templates created by this factory.
 XMLFilter TransformerFactoryImpl.newXMLFilter(Source src)
          Create an XMLFilter that uses the given source as the transformation instructions.
 XMLFilter TransformerFactoryImpl.newXMLFilter(Templates templates)
          Create an XMLFilter that uses the given source as the transformation instructions.
 TransformerHandler TransformerFactoryImpl.newTransformerHandler(Source src)
          Get a TransformerHandler object that can process SAX ContentHandler events into a Result, based on the transformation instructions specified by the argument.
 TransformerHandler TransformerFactoryImpl.newTransformerHandler(Templates templates)
          Get a TransformerHandler object that can process SAX ContentHandler events into a Result, based on the Templates argument.
 TransformerHandler TransformerFactoryImpl.newTransformerHandler()
          Get a TransformerHandler object that can process SAX ContentHandler events into a Result.
 Transformer TransformerFactoryImpl.newTransformer(Source source)
          Process the source into a Transformer object.
 Transformer TransformerFactoryImpl.newTransformer()
          Create a new Transformer object that performs a copy of the source to the result.
 Templates TransformerFactoryImpl.newTemplates(Source source)
          Process the source into a Templates object, which is likely a compiled representation of the source.

Constructors in org.apache.xalan.processor that throw TransformerConfigurationException
StylesheetHandler.StylesheetHandler(TransformerFactoryImpl processor)
          Create a StylesheetHandler object, creating a root stylesheet as the target.

Uses of TransformerConfigurationException in org.apache.xalan.templates

Constructors in org.apache.xalan.templates that throw TransformerConfigurationException
StylesheetRoot.StylesheetRoot(ErrorListener errorListener)
          Uses an XSL stylesheet document.
StylesheetRoot.StylesheetRoot(XSLTSchema schema, ErrorListener listener)
          Creates a StylesheetRoot and retains a pointer to the schema used to create this StylesheetRoot.

Uses of TransformerConfigurationException in org.apache.xalan.transformer

Constructors in org.apache.xalan.transformer that throw TransformerConfigurationException
TrAXFilter.TrAXFilter(Templates templates)
          Construct an empty XML filter, with no parent.

Uses of TransformerConfigurationException in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.trax

Methods in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.trax that throw TransformerConfigurationException
 void SmartTransformerFactoryImpl.setFeature(java.lang.String name, boolean value)
          Set a feature for this SmartTransformerFactory and Transformers or Templates created by this factory.
 Source SmartTransformerFactoryImpl.getAssociatedStylesheet(Source source, java.lang.String media, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String charset)
 Transformer SmartTransformerFactoryImpl.newTransformer()
          Create a Transformer object that copies the input document to the result.
 Transformer SmartTransformerFactoryImpl.newTransformer(Source source)
          Create a Transformer object that from the input stylesheet Uses the org.apache.xalan.processor.TransformerFactory.
 Templates SmartTransformerFactoryImpl.newTemplates(Source source)
          Create a Templates object that from the input stylesheet Uses the org.apache.xalan.xsltc.trax.TransformerFactory.
 TemplatesHandler SmartTransformerFactoryImpl.newTemplatesHandler()
          Get a TemplatesHandler object that can process SAX ContentHandler events into a Templates object.
 TransformerHandler SmartTransformerFactoryImpl.newTransformerHandler()
          Get a TransformerHandler object that can process SAX ContentHandler events based on a copy transformer.
 TransformerHandler SmartTransformerFactoryImpl.newTransformerHandler(Source src)
          Get a TransformerHandler object that can process SAX ContentHandler events based on a transformer specified by the stylesheet Source.
 TransformerHandler SmartTransformerFactoryImpl.newTransformerHandler(Templates templates)
          Get a TransformerHandler object that can process SAX ContentHandler events based on a transformer specified by the stylesheet Source.
 XMLFilter SmartTransformerFactoryImpl.newXMLFilter(Source src)
          Create an XMLFilter that uses the given source as the transformation instructions.
 XMLFilter SmartTransformerFactoryImpl.newXMLFilter(Templates templates)
static InputSource Util.getInputSource(XSLTC xsltc, Source source)
          Creates a SAX2 InputSource object from a TrAX Source object
 void TransformerFactoryImpl.setFeature(java.lang.String name, boolean value)
          Set a feature for this TransformerFactory and Transformers or Templates created by this factory.
 Source TransformerFactoryImpl.getAssociatedStylesheet(Source source, java.lang.String media, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String charset)
          javax.xml.transform.sax.TransformerFactory implementation.
 Transformer TransformerFactoryImpl.newTransformer()
          javax.xml.transform.sax.TransformerFactory implementation.
 Transformer TransformerFactoryImpl.newTransformer(Source source)
          javax.xml.transform.sax.TransformerFactory implementation.
 Templates TransformerFactoryImpl.newTemplates(Source source)
          javax.xml.transform.sax.TransformerFactory implementation.
 TemplatesHandler TransformerFactoryImpl.newTemplatesHandler()
          javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXTransformerFactory implementation.
 TransformerHandler TransformerFactoryImpl.newTransformerHandler()
          javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXTransformerFactory implementation.
 TransformerHandler TransformerFactoryImpl.newTransformerHandler(Source src)
          javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXTransformerFactory implementation.
 TransformerHandler TransformerFactoryImpl.newTransformerHandler(Templates templates)
          javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXTransformerFactory implementation.
 XMLFilter TransformerFactoryImpl.newXMLFilter(Source src)
          javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXTransformerFactory implementation.
 XMLFilter TransformerFactoryImpl.newXMLFilter(Templates templates)
          javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXTransformerFactory implementation.
 Transformer TemplatesImpl.newTransformer()
          Implements JAXP's Templates.newTransformer()

Constructors in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.trax that throw TransformerConfigurationException
TrAXFilter.TrAXFilter(Templates templates)

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