Class XMLReaderManager


public class XMLReaderManager
extends java.lang.Object

Creates XMLReader objects and caches them for re-use. This class follows the singleton pattern.

Method Summary
static XMLReaderManager getInstance()
          Retrieves the singleton reader manager
 XMLReader getXMLReader()
          Retrieves a cached XMLReader for this thread, or creates a new XMLReader, if the existing reader is in use.
 void releaseXMLReader(XMLReader reader)
          Mark the cached XMLReader as available.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static XMLReaderManager getInstance()
Retrieves the singleton reader manager


public XMLReader getXMLReader()
                       throws SAXException
Retrieves a cached XMLReader for this thread, or creates a new XMLReader, if the existing reader is in use. When the caller no longer needs the reader, it must release it with a call to releaseXMLReader.


public void releaseXMLReader(XMLReader reader)
Mark the cached XMLReader as available. If the reader was not actually in the cache, do nothing.
reader - The XMLReader that's being released.

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