Uses of Class

Packages that use DTMDefaultBaseIterators.InternalAxisIteratorBase

Uses of DTMDefaultBaseIterators.InternalAxisIteratorBase in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.dom

Subclasses of DTMDefaultBaseIterators.InternalAxisIteratorBase in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.dom
 class SAXImpl.NamespaceAttributeIterator
          Iterator that returns attributes within a given namespace for a node.
 class SAXImpl.NamespaceChildrenIterator
          Iterator that returns children within a given namespace for a given node.
 class SAXImpl.NamespaceWildcardIterator
          Iterator that handles node tests that test for a namespace, but have a wild card for the local name of the node, i.e., node tests of the form :::*
 class SAXImpl.TypedNamespaceIterator
          Iterator that returns the namespace nodes as defined by the XPath data model for a given node, filtered by extended type ID.

Uses of DTMDefaultBaseIterators.InternalAxisIteratorBase in org.apache.xml.dtm.ref

Subclasses of DTMDefaultBaseIterators.InternalAxisIteratorBase in org.apache.xml.dtm.ref
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.AncestorIterator
          Iterator that returns the ancestors of a given node in document order.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.AttributeIterator
          Iterator that returns attribute nodes (of what nodes?)
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.ChildrenIterator
          Iterator that returns all immediate children of a given node
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.DescendantIterator
          Iterator that returns the descendants of a given node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.FollowingIterator
          Iterator that returns following nodes of for a given node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.FollowingSiblingIterator
          Iterator that returns all siblings of a given node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.NamespaceAttributeIterator
          Iterator that returns attributes within a given namespace for a node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.NamespaceChildrenIterator
          Iterator that returns children within a given namespace for a given node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.NamespaceIterator
          Iterator that returns the namespace nodes as defined by the XPath data model for a given node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.NthDescendantIterator
          Iterator that returns the descendants of a given node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.ParentIterator
          Iterator that returns the parent of a given node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.PrecedingIterator
          Iterator that returns preceding nodes of a given node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.PrecedingSiblingIterator
          Iterator that returns preceding siblings of a given node
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.RootIterator
          Iterator that returns the the root node as defined by the XPath data model for a given node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.SingletonIterator
          Class SingletonIterator.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.TypedAncestorIterator
          Typed iterator that returns the ancestors of a given node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.TypedAttributeIterator
          Iterator that returns attribute nodes of a given type
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.TypedChildrenIterator
          Iterator that returns children of a given type for a given node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.TypedDescendantIterator
          Typed iterator that returns the descendants of a given node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.TypedFollowingIterator
          Iterator that returns following nodes of a given type for a given node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.TypedFollowingSiblingIterator
          Iterator that returns all following siblings of a given node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.TypedNamespaceIterator
          Iterator that returns the namespace nodes as defined by the XPath data model for a given node, filtered by extended type ID.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.TypedPrecedingIterator
          Iterator that returns preceding nodes of agiven type for a given node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.TypedPrecedingSiblingIterator
          Iterator that returns preceding siblings of a given type for a given node
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.TypedRootIterator
          Iterator that returns the namespace nodes as defined by the XPath data model for a given node, filtered by extended type ID.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.TypedSingletonIterator
          Iterator that returns a given node only if it is of a given type.

Uses of DTMDefaultBaseIterators.InternalAxisIteratorBase in org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.sax2dtm

Subclasses of DTMDefaultBaseIterators.InternalAxisIteratorBase in org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.sax2dtm
 class SAX2DTM2.AncestorIterator
          Iterator that returns the ancestors of a given node in document order.
 class SAX2DTM2.AttributeIterator
          Iterator that returns attribute nodes (of what nodes?)
 class SAX2DTM2.ChildrenIterator
          Iterator that returns all immediate children of a given node
 class SAX2DTM2.DescendantIterator
          Iterator that returns the descendants of a given node.
 class SAX2DTM2.FollowingIterator
          Iterator that returns following nodes of for a given node.
 class SAX2DTM2.FollowingSiblingIterator
          Iterator that returns all siblings of a given node.
 class SAX2DTM2.ParentIterator
          Iterator that returns the parent of a given node.
 class SAX2DTM2.PrecedingIterator
          Iterator that returns preceding nodes of a given node.
 class SAX2DTM2.PrecedingSiblingIterator
          Iterator that returns preceding siblings of a given node
 class SAX2DTM2.TypedAncestorIterator
          Typed iterator that returns the ancestors of a given node.
 class SAX2DTM2.TypedAttributeIterator
          Iterator that returns attribute nodes of a given type
 class SAX2DTM2.TypedChildrenIterator
          Iterator that returns children of a given type for a given node.
 class SAX2DTM2.TypedDescendantIterator
          Typed iterator that returns the descendants of a given node.
 class SAX2DTM2.TypedFollowingIterator
          Iterator that returns following nodes of a given type for a given node.
 class SAX2DTM2.TypedFollowingSiblingIterator
          Iterator that returns all following siblings of a given node.
 class SAX2DTM2.TypedPrecedingIterator
          Iterator that returns preceding nodes of agiven type for a given node.
 class SAX2DTM2.TypedPrecedingSiblingIterator
          Iterator that returns preceding siblings of a given type for a given node
 class SAX2DTM2.TypedRootIterator
          Iterator that returns the namespace nodes as defined by the XPath data model for a given node, filtered by extended type ID.
 class SAX2DTM2.TypedSingletonIterator
          Iterator that returns a given node only if it is of a given type.

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