Class DTMDefaultBaseIterators

Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class DTMDefaultBaseIterators
extends DTMDefaultBaseTraversers

This class implements the traversers for DTMDefaultBase.

Inner Class Summary
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.AncestorIterator
          Iterator that returns the ancestors of a given node in document order.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.AttributeIterator
          Iterator that returns attribute nodes (of what nodes?)
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.ChildrenIterator
          Iterator that returns all immediate children of a given node
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.DescendantIterator
          Iterator that returns the descendants of a given node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.FollowingIterator
          Iterator that returns following nodes of for a given node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.FollowingSiblingIterator
          Iterator that returns all siblings of a given node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.InternalAxisIteratorBase
          Abstract superclass defining behaviors shared by all DTMDefault's internal implementations of DTMAxisIterator.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.NamespaceAttributeIterator
          Iterator that returns attributes within a given namespace for a node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.NamespaceChildrenIterator
          Iterator that returns children within a given namespace for a given node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.NamespaceIterator
          Iterator that returns the namespace nodes as defined by the XPath data model for a given node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.NthDescendantIterator
          Iterator that returns the descendants of a given node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.ParentIterator
          Iterator that returns the parent of a given node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.PrecedingIterator
          Iterator that returns preceding nodes of a given node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.PrecedingSiblingIterator
          Iterator that returns preceding siblings of a given node
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.RootIterator
          Iterator that returns the the root node as defined by the XPath data model for a given node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.SingletonIterator
          Class SingletonIterator.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.TypedAncestorIterator
          Typed iterator that returns the ancestors of a given node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.TypedAttributeIterator
          Iterator that returns attribute nodes of a given type
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.TypedChildrenIterator
          Iterator that returns children of a given type for a given node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.TypedDescendantIterator
          Typed iterator that returns the descendants of a given node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.TypedFollowingIterator
          Iterator that returns following nodes of a given type for a given node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.TypedFollowingSiblingIterator
          Iterator that returns all following siblings of a given node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.TypedNamespaceIterator
          Iterator that returns the namespace nodes as defined by the XPath data model for a given node, filtered by extended type ID.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.TypedPrecedingIterator
          Iterator that returns preceding nodes of agiven type for a given node.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.TypedPrecedingSiblingIterator
          Iterator that returns preceding siblings of a given type for a given node
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.TypedRootIterator
          Iterator that returns the namespace nodes as defined by the XPath data model for a given node, filtered by extended type ID.
 class DTMDefaultBaseIterators.TypedSingletonIterator
          Iterator that returns a given node only if it is of a given type.
Fields inherited from class org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.DTMDefaultBase
Constructor Summary
DTMDefaultBaseIterators(DTMManager mgr, Source source, int dtmIdentity, DTMWSFilter whiteSpaceFilter, XMLStringFactory xstringfactory, boolean doIndexing)
          Construct a DTMDefaultBaseTraversers object from a DOM node.
DTMDefaultBaseIterators(DTMManager mgr, Source source, int dtmIdentity, DTMWSFilter whiteSpaceFilter, XMLStringFactory xstringfactory, boolean doIndexing, int blocksize, boolean usePrevsib, boolean newNameTable)
          Construct a DTMDefaultBaseTraversers object from a DOM node.
Method Summary
 DTMAxisIterator getAxisIterator(int axis)
          This is a shortcut to the iterators that implement the XPath axes.
 DTMAxisIterator getTypedAxisIterator(int axis, int type)
          Get an iterator that can navigate over an XPath Axis, predicated by the extended type ID.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.DTMDefaultBaseTraversers
Methods inherited from class org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.DTMDefaultBase
appendChild, appendTextChild, dispatchCharactersEvents, dispatchToEvents, documentRegistration, documentRelease, dumpDTM, dumpNode, getAttributeNode, getDocument, getDocumentAllDeclarationsProcessed, getDocumentBaseURI, getDocumentEncoding, getDocumentRoot, getDocumentStandalone, getDocumentSystemIdentifier, getDocumentTypeDeclarationPublicIdentifier, getDocumentTypeDeclarationSystemIdentifier, getDocumentVersion, getDTMIDs, getElementById, getExpandedTypeID, getExpandedTypeID, getFirstAttribute, getFirstChild, getFirstNamespaceNode, getLastChild, getLevel, getLocalName, getLocalNameFromExpandedNameID, getManager, getNamespaceFromExpandedNameID, getNamespaceType, getNamespaceURI, getNextAttribute, getNextNamespaceNode, getNextSibling, getNode, getNodeHandle, getNodeIdent, getNodeName, getNodeNameX, getNodeType, getNodeValue, getOwnerDocument, getParent, getPrefix, getPreviousSibling, getStringValue, getStringValueChunk, getStringValueChunkCount, getTypedFirstChild, getTypedNextSibling, getUnparsedEntityURI, hasChildNodes, isAttributeSpecified, isCharacterElementContentWhitespace, isDocumentAllDeclarationsProcessed, isNodeAfter, isSupported, makeNodeHandle, makeNodeIdentity, migrateTo, setDocumentBaseURI, setFeature, supportsPreStripping
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DTMDefaultBaseIterators(DTMManager mgr,
                               Source source,
                               int dtmIdentity,
                               DTMWSFilter whiteSpaceFilter,
                               XMLStringFactory xstringfactory,
                               boolean doIndexing)
Construct a DTMDefaultBaseTraversers object from a DOM node.
mgr - The DTMManager who owns this DTM.
domSource - the DOM source that this DTM will wrap.
source - The object that is used to specify the construction source.
dtmIdentity - The DTM identity ID for this DTM.
whiteSpaceFilter - The white space filter for this DTM, which may be null.
xstringfactory - The factory to use for creating XMLStrings.
doIndexing - true if the caller considers it worth it to use indexing schemes.


public DTMDefaultBaseIterators(DTMManager mgr,
                               Source source,
                               int dtmIdentity,
                               DTMWSFilter whiteSpaceFilter,
                               XMLStringFactory xstringfactory,
                               boolean doIndexing,
                               int blocksize,
                               boolean usePrevsib,
                               boolean newNameTable)
Construct a DTMDefaultBaseTraversers object from a DOM node.
mgr - The DTMManager who owns this DTM.
domSource - the DOM source that this DTM will wrap.
source - The object that is used to specify the construction source.
dtmIdentity - The DTM identity ID for this DTM.
whiteSpaceFilter - The white space filter for this DTM, which may be null.
xstringfactory - The factory to use for creating XMLStrings.
doIndexing - true if the caller considers it worth it to use indexing schemes.
blocksize - The block size of the DTM.
usePrevsib - true if we want to build the previous sibling node array.
newNameTable - true if we want to use a new ExpandedNameTable for this DTM.
Method Detail


public DTMAxisIterator getTypedAxisIterator(int axis,
                                            int type)
Get an iterator that can navigate over an XPath Axis, predicated by the extended type ID. Returns an iterator that must be initialized with a start node (using iterator.setStartNode()).
axis - One of Axes.ANCESTORORSELF, etc.
type - An extended type ID.
A DTMAxisIterator, or null if the given axis isn't supported.


public DTMAxisIterator getAxisIterator(int axis)
This is a shortcut to the iterators that implement the XPath axes. Returns a bare-bones iterator that must be initialized with a start node (using iterator.setStartNode()).
axis - One of Axes.ANCESTORORSELF, etc.
A DTMAxisIterator, or null if the given axis isn't supported.

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