Class ExpressionVisitor


public class ExpressionVisitor
extends XPathVisitor

When StylesheetHandler creates an XPath, the ExpressionVisitor visits the XPath expression. For any extension functions it encounters, it instructs StylesheetRoot to register the extension namespace. This mechanism is required to locate extension functions that may be embedded within an expression.

Constructor Summary
ExpressionVisitor(StylesheetRoot sroot)
          The constructor sets the StylesheetRoot variable which is used to register extension namespaces.
Method Summary
 boolean visitFunction(ExpressionOwner owner, Function func)
          If the function is an extension function, register the namespace.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.xpath.XPathVisitor
visitBinaryOperation, visitLocationPath, visitMatchPattern, visitNumberLiteral, visitPredicate, visitStep, visitStringLiteral, visitUnaryOperation, visitUnionPath, visitUnionPattern, visitVariableRef
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ExpressionVisitor(StylesheetRoot sroot)
The constructor sets the StylesheetRoot variable which is used to register extension namespaces.
sroot - the StylesheetRoot that is being constructed.
Method Detail


public boolean visitFunction(ExpressionOwner owner,
                             Function func)
If the function is an extension function, register the namespace.
owner - The current XPath object that owns the expression.
function - The function currently being visited.
true to continue the visit in the subtree, if any.
visitFunction in class XPathVisitor

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