Uses of Class

Packages that use SAXParseException
org.apache.xalan.processor Parses an XSLT stylesheet document (which may include and import other stylesheet documents) and produces a StylesheetRoot (a TRaX Templates object). 
org.apache.xalan.transformer In charge of run-time transformations and the production of result trees. 
org.apache.xml.utils Implementation of Xalan utility classes. 
org.xml.sax Simple API for XML (SAX) 
org.xml.sax.helpers SAX helper classes. 

Uses of SAXParseException in org.apache.xalan.processor

Methods in org.apache.xalan.processor with parameters of type SAXParseException
 void StylesheetHandler.warning(SAXParseException e)
          Receive notification of a XSLT processing warning.
 void StylesheetHandler.error(SAXParseException e)
          Receive notification of a recoverable XSLT processing error.
 void StylesheetHandler.fatalError(SAXParseException e)
          Report a fatal XSLT processing error.

Uses of SAXParseException in org.apache.xalan.transformer

Methods in org.apache.xalan.transformer with parameters of type SAXParseException
 void ResultTreeHandler.warning(SAXParseException exception)
          Receive notification of a warning.
 void ResultTreeHandler.error(SAXParseException exception)
          Receive notification of a recoverable error.
 void ResultTreeHandler.fatalError(SAXParseException exception)
          Receive notification of a non-recoverable error.
 void TransformerHandlerImpl.warning(SAXParseException e)
          Filter a warning event.
 void TransformerHandlerImpl.error(SAXParseException e)
          Filter an error event.
 void TransformerHandlerImpl.fatalError(SAXParseException e)
          Filter a fatal error event.

Uses of SAXParseException in org.apache.xml.dtm.ref

Methods in org.apache.xml.dtm.ref with parameters of type SAXParseException
 void IncrementalSAXSource_Filter.error(SAXParseException exception)
 void IncrementalSAXSource_Filter.fatalError(SAXParseException exception)
 void IncrementalSAXSource_Filter.warning(SAXParseException exception)

Uses of SAXParseException in org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.sax2dtm

Methods in org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.sax2dtm with parameters of type SAXParseException
 void SAX2DTM.warning(SAXParseException e)
          Receive notification of a parser warning.
 void SAX2DTM.error(SAXParseException e)
          Receive notification of a recoverable parser error.
 void SAX2DTM.fatalError(SAXParseException e)
          Report a fatal XML parsing error.

Uses of SAXParseException in org.apache.xml.utils

Methods in org.apache.xml.utils with parameters of type SAXParseException
 void DefaultErrorHandler.warning(SAXParseException exception)
          Receive notification of a warning.
 void DefaultErrorHandler.error(SAXParseException exception)
          Receive notification of a recoverable error.
 void DefaultErrorHandler.fatalError(SAXParseException exception)
          Receive notification of a non-recoverable error.
static void DefaultErrorHandler.printLocation( pw, SAXParseException exception)
 void ListingErrorHandler.warning(SAXParseException exception)
          Receive notification of a warning.
 void ListingErrorHandler.error(SAXParseException exception)
          Receive notification of a recoverable error.
 void ListingErrorHandler.fatalError(SAXParseException exception)
          Receive notification of a non-recoverable error.

Constructors in org.apache.xml.utils with parameters of type SAXParseException
SAXSourceLocator.SAXSourceLocator(SAXParseException spe)
          Constructor SAXSourceLocator

Uses of SAXParseException in org.xml.sax

Methods in org.xml.sax with parameters of type SAXParseException
 void ErrorHandler.warning(SAXParseException exception)
          Receive notification of a warning.
 void ErrorHandler.error(SAXParseException exception)
          Receive notification of a recoverable error.
 void ErrorHandler.fatalError(SAXParseException exception)
          Receive notification of a non-recoverable error.
 void HandlerBase.warning(SAXParseException e)
          Deprecated. Receive notification of a parser warning.
 void HandlerBase.error(SAXParseException e)
          Deprecated. Receive notification of a recoverable parser error.
 void HandlerBase.fatalError(SAXParseException e)
          Deprecated. Report a fatal XML parsing error.

Uses of SAXParseException in org.xml.sax.helpers

Methods in org.xml.sax.helpers with parameters of type SAXParseException
 void DefaultHandler.warning(SAXParseException e)
          Receive notification of a parser warning.
 void DefaultHandler.error(SAXParseException e)
          Receive notification of a recoverable parser error.
 void DefaultHandler.fatalError(SAXParseException e)
          Report a fatal XML parsing error.
 void XMLFilterImpl.warning(SAXParseException e)
          Filter a warning event.
 void XMLFilterImpl.error(SAXParseException e)
          Filter an error event.
 void XMLFilterImpl.fatalError(SAXParseException e)
          Filter a fatal error event.

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