Uses of Interface

Packages that use Text
org.apache.xml.utils Implementation of Xalan utility classes. 
org.apache.xpath Implementation of XPath; for the most part, only classes meant for public use are found at this root level of the XPath packages. 

Uses of Text in org.apache.xml.dtm.ref

Classes in org.apache.xml.dtm.ref that implement Text
 class DTMNodeProxy
          **For internal use only** DTMNodeProxy presents a DOM Node API front-end to the DTM model.

Methods in org.apache.xml.dtm.ref that return Text
 Text DTMNodeProxy.createTextNode(java.lang.String data)
 Text DTMNodeProxy.splitText(int offset)

Uses of Text in org.apache.xml.utils

Methods in org.apache.xml.utils that return Text
 Text UnImplNode.createTextNode(java.lang.String data)
 Text UnImplNode.splitText(int offset)

Uses of Text in org.apache.xpath

Methods in org.apache.xpath with parameters of type Text
 boolean DOMHelper.isIgnorableWhitespace(Text node)

Uses of Text in org.w3c.dom

Subinterfaces of Text in org.w3c.dom
 interface CDATASection
          CDATA sections are used to escape blocks of text containing characters that would otherwise be regarded as markup.

Methods in org.w3c.dom that return Text
 Text Text.splitText(int offset)
          Breaks this node into two nodes at the specified offset, keeping both in the tree as siblings.
 Text Document.createTextNode(java.lang.String data)
          Creates a Text node given the specified string.

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