Uses of Package

Packages that use org.apache.xpath.compiler
org.apache.xalan.templates Implements the Templates interface, and defines a set of classes that represent an XSLT stylesheet. 
org.apache.xpath.axes Implementation of XPath LocationPath support -- primary classes are LocPathIterator and UnionPathIterator. 
org.apache.xpath.compiler Implements an XPath parser which produces an OpMap, and a so-called Compiler which produces an expression tree for fast evaluation. 
org.apache.xpath.functions Implements XPath functions -- each function is derived from Function, FunctionOneArg, Function2Args, etc, with number-of-arguments checking being applied mainly at compile time -- this package only implements XPath functions, XSLT functions are found in the "templates" package. 

Classes in org.apache.xpath.compiler used by org.apache.xalan.templates
           Tokenizes and parses XPath expressions.

Classes in org.apache.xpath.compiler used by org.apache.xpath.axes
          **For advanced use only** An instance of this class compiles an XPath string expression into a Expression object.

Classes in org.apache.xpath.compiler used by org.apache.xpath.compiler
          **For advanced use only** An instance of this class compiles an XPath string expression into a Expression object.
          **For advanced use only** Lazy load of functions into the function table as needed, so we don't have to load all the functions allowed in XPath and XSLT on startup.
          This class represents the data structure basics of the XPath object.
          **For internal use only** Like IntVector, but used only for the OpMap array.

Classes in org.apache.xpath.compiler used by org.apache.xpath.functions
          **For advanced use only** An instance of this class compiles an XPath string expression into a Expression object.

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