Uses of Interface

Packages that use DTMFilter
org.apache.xpath Implementation of XPath; for the most part, only classes meant for public use are found at this root level of the XPath packages. 
org.apache.xpath.axes Implementation of XPath LocationPath support -- primary classes are LocPathIterator and UnionPathIterator. 

Uses of DTMFilter in org.apache.xml.dtm

Methods in org.apache.xml.dtm with parameters of type DTMFilter
abstract  DTMIterator DTMManager.createDTMIterator(int whatToShow, DTMFilter filter, boolean entityReferenceExpansion)
          Create a new DTMIterator based only on a whatToShow and a DTMFilter.

Uses of DTMFilter in org.apache.xml.dtm.ref

Methods in org.apache.xml.dtm.ref with parameters of type DTMFilter
 DTMIterator DTMManagerDefault.createDTMIterator(int whatToShow, DTMFilter filter, boolean entityReferenceExpansion)
          NEEDSDOC Method createDTMIterator NEEDSDOC @param whatToShow NEEDSDOC @param filter NEEDSDOC @param entityReferenceExpansion NEEDSDOC (createDTMIterator) @return

Uses of DTMFilter in org.apache.xpath

Methods in org.apache.xpath that return DTMFilter
 DTMFilter NodeSetDTM.getFilter()
          The filter object used to screen nodes.

Methods in org.apache.xpath with parameters of type DTMFilter
 DTMIterator XPathContext.createDTMIterator(int whatToShow, DTMFilter filter, boolean entityReferenceExpansion)
          Create a new DTMIterator based only on a whatToShow and a DTMFilter.

Uses of DTMFilter in org.apache.xpath.axes

Methods in org.apache.xpath.axes that return DTMFilter
 DTMFilter LocPathIterator.getFilter()
          The filter used to screen nodes.

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