
Compiler design

Comment design

Unparsed entities


Internal DOM

Translet & TrAX

To-do list

Runtime overview

The actual transformation of the input XML document is initiated by one of these classes:

  • com.sun.xslt.runtime.DefaultRun (runs in a terminal)
  • com.sun.xslt.demo.applet.TransformApplet (runs in an applet)
  • com.sun.xslt.demo.servlet.Translate (runs in a servlet)

Any one of these classes will have to go through the folloing steps in order to initiate a transformation:

  • Instanciate the translet object. The name of the translet (ie. class) to use is passed to us as a string. We use this string as a parameter to the static method Class.forName(String name) to get a reference to a translet object.
  • Instanciate a com.sun.xsl.parser.Parser object to parse the input XML file, and instanciate a DOM (we have our own DOM implementation especially designed for XSLTC) where we store the input document.
  • Pass any parameters to the translet (currently only possible when running the transformation in a terminal using DefaultRun)
  • Instanciate a handler for the result document. This handler must be extend the TransletOutputHandler class.
  • Invoke the transform() method on the translet, passing the instanciated DOM and the output handler as parameters.

The compiled translet

A translet is always a subclass of AbstractTranslet. As well as having access to the public/protected methods in this class, the translet is compiled with these methods:

public void transform(DOM, NodeIterator, TransletOutputHandler);

This method is passed a DOMImpl object. Depending on whether the stylesheet had any calls to the document() function this method will either generate a DOMAdapter object (when only one XML document is used as input) or a MultiDOM object (when there are more than one XML input documents). This DOM object is passed on to the topLevel() method.

When the topLevel() method returns we initiate the output document by calling startDocument() on the supplied output handler object. We then call applyTemplates() to get the actual output contents, before we close the output document by calling endDocument() on the output handler.

public void topLevel(DOM, NodeIterator, TransletOutputHandler);

This method handles all of these top-level elements:

  • <xsl:output>
  • <xsl:decimal-format>
  • <xsl:key>
  • <xsl:param> (for global parameters)
  • <xsl:variable> (for global variables)

public void applyTemplates(DOM, NodeIterator, TransletOutputHandler);

This is the method that produces the actual output. Its central element is a big switch() statement that is used to choose the available templates for the various node in the input document. See the chapter Main Program Loop for details on this method.

public void <init> ();

The translet's constructor initializes a table of all the elements we want to search for in the XML input document. This table is called the namesArray and it is passed to the DOM holding the input XML document.

The constructor also initializes any DecimalFormatSymbol objects that are used to format numbers before passing them to the output handler.

public boolean stripSpace(int nodeType);

This method is only present if any <xsl:strip-space> or <xsl:preserve-space> elements are present in the stylesheet. If that is the case, the translet implements the StripWhitespaceFilter interface by containing this method.

External/internal type mapping

This is the very core of XSL transformations: Read carefully!!!

Every node in the input XML document(s) is assigned a type by the DOM builder class. This type is an integer value which represents the element, so that for instance all <bob> elements in the input document will be given type 7 and can be referred to by using that integer. These types can be used for lookups in the namesArray table to get the actual element name (in this case "bob"). These types are referred to as external types or DOM types, as they are types known only to the DOM and the DOM builder.

Similarly the translet assignes types to all element and attribute names that are referenced in the stylesheet. These types are referred to as internal types or translet types.

It is not very probable that there will be a one-to-one mapping between internal and external types. There will most often be elements in the DOM (ie. the input document) that are not mentioned in the stylesheet, and there could be elements in the stylesheet that do not match any elements in the DOM. Here is an example:

      <?xml version="1.0"?>
      <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="blahblahblah">

      <xsl:template match="/">
        <xsl:for-each select="//B">
          <xsl:apply-templates select="." />
        <xsl:for-each select="C">
          <xsl:apply-templates select="." />
        <xsl:for-each select="A/B">
          <xsl:apply-templates select="." />


In this stylesheet we are looking for elements <B>, <C> and <A>. For this example we can assume that these element types will be assigned the values 0, 1 and 2. Now, lets say we are transforming this XML document:

      <?xml version="1.0"?>

        The crocodile cried:

This XML document has the elements <A>, <B> and <F>, which we assume are assigned the types 7, 8 and 9 respectively (the numbers below that are assigned for specific element types, such as the root node, text nodes, etc.). This causes a mismatch between the type used for <B> in the translet and the type used for <B> in the DOM. Th DOMAdapter class (which mediates between the DOM and the translet) has been given two tables for convertint between the two types; mapping for mapping from internal to external types, and reverseMapping for the other way around.

The translet contains a String[] array called namesArray. This array will contain all the element and attribute names that were referenced in the stylesheet. In our example, this array would contain these string (in this specific order): "B", "C" and "A". This array is passed as one of the parameters to the DOM adapter constructor (the other adapter is the DOM itself). The DOM adapter passes this table on to the DOM. The DOM has a hashtable that maps known element names to external types. The DOM goes through the namesArray from the DOM sequentially, looks up each name in the hashtable, and is then able to map the internal type to an external type. The result is then passed back to the DOM adapter.

The reverse is done for external types. External types that are not interesting for the translet (such as the type for <F> elements in the example above) are mapped to a generic "ELEMENT" type 3, and are more or less ignored by the translet.

It is important that we separate the DOM from the translet. In several cases we want the DOM as a structure completely independent from the translet - even though the DOM is a structure internal to XSLTC. One such case is when transformations are offered by a servlet as a web service. Any DOM that is built should potentially be stored in a cache and made available for simultaneous access by several translet/servlet couples.

Figure 1: Two translets accessing a single dom using different type mappings

Main program loop

The main loop in the translet is found in the applyTemplates() method. This method goes through these steps:

  • Get the next node from the node iterator
  • Get the internal type of this node. The DOMAdapter object holds the internal/external type mapping table, and it will supply the translet with the internal type of the current node.
  • Execute a switch statement on the internal node type. There will be one "case" label for each recognised node type - this includes the first 7 internal node types.

The root node will have internal type 0 and will cause any initial literal elements to be output. Text nodes will have internal node type 1 and will simply be dumped to the output handler. Unrecognized elements will have internal node type 3 and will be given the default treatment (a new iterator is created for the node's children, and this iterator is passed with a recursive call to applyTemplates()). Unrecognised attribute nodes (type 4) will be handled like text nodes. The switch() statement in applyTemplates will thereby look something like this:

        public void applyTemplates(DOM dom, NodeIterator,
                                   TransletOutputHandler handler) {

            // get nodes from iterator
            while ((node = != END) {
                // get internal node type
                switch(DOM.getType(node)) {

                case 0: // root
                case 1: // text
                case 3: // unrecognised element
                    NodeIterator newIterator = DOM.getChildren(node);
                case 4: // unrecognised attribute
                case 7: // elements of type <B>
                case 8: // elements of type <C>

Each recognised element will have its own piece of compiled code.

Note that each "case" will not lead directly to a single template. There may be several templates that match node type 7 (say <B>). In the sample stylesheet in the previous chapter we have to templates that would match a node <B>. We have one match="//B" (match just any <B> element) and one match="A/B" (match a <B> element that is a child of a <A> element). In this case we would have to compile code that first gets the type of the current node's parent, and then compared this type with the type for <A>. If there was no match we will have executed the first <xsl:for-each> element, but if there was a match we will have executed the last one. Consequentally, the compiler will generate the following code:

        switch(DOM.getType(node)) {
        case 7: // elements of type <B>
            int parent = DOM.getParent(node);
            if (DOM.getType(parent) == 9) // type 9 = elements <A>

We could do the same for namespaces, that is, assign a numeric value to every namespace that is references in the stylesheet, and use an "if" statement for each namespace that needs to be checked for each type. Lets say we had a stylesheet like this:

      <?xml version="1.0"?>
      <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="blahblahblah">

      <xsl:template match="/"
        <xsl:for-each select="foo:A">
          <xsl:apply-templates select="." />
        <xsl:for-each select="bar:A">
          <xsl:apply-templates select="." />


And a stylesheet like this:

      <?xml version="1.0"?>

        <foo:A>In foo namespace</foo:A>
        <bar:A>In bar namespace</bar:A>

We could still keep the same type for all <A> elements regardless of what namespace they are in, and use the same "if" structure within the switch() statement above. The other option is to assign different types to <foo:A> and <bar:A> elements.

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