Class BitArray


public class BitArray
extends java.lang.Object

Constructor Summary
BitArray(int size)
Method Summary
 int[] data()
          Returns the integer array in which the bit array is contained
 boolean getBit(int bit)
          Returns true if the given bit is set
 int getBitNumber(int pos)
 int getMask()
          See setMask()
 int getNextBit(int startBit)
          Returns the next set bit from a given position
 BitArray merge(BitArray other)
          Merge two bit arrays.
 void resize(int newSize)
          Resizes the bit array - try to avoid using this method!!!
 void setBit(int bit)
          Sets a given bit
 void setMask(int mask)
          Set the mask for this bit array.
 int size()
          Returns the size of this bit array (in bits).
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public BitArray(int size)
Constructor. Defines the initial size of the bit array (in bits).
Method Detail


public void setMask(int mask)
Set the mask for this bit array. The upper 8 bits of this mask indicate the DOM in which the nodes in this array belong.


public int getMask()
See setMask()


public final int size()
Returns the size of this bit array (in bits).


public final boolean getBit(int bit)
Returns true if the given bit is set


public final int getNextBit(int startBit)
Returns the next set bit from a given position


public final int getBitNumber(int pos)


public final int[] data()
Returns the integer array in which the bit array is contained


public final void setBit(int bit)
Sets a given bit


public final BitArray merge(BitArray other)
Merge two bit arrays. This currently only works for nodes from a single DOM (because there is only one _mask per array).


public final void resize(int newSize)
Resizes the bit array - try to avoid using this method!!!

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