Class DriverOracleMMGeneric

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DriverOracleMMGeneric
extends DriverGenericMMGeneric
implements IRDBDriver

Customize the MMGeneric driver for use with Oracle. The key issues with Oracle are: (1) Possible return of bignums for IDs - now handled in generic driver (2) Empty strings are stored as nulls and so do not match other empty strings, this breaks all the "langauge" field processing in literals in several ways.

$Revision: 1.1 $ on $Date: 2002/03/01 14:26:39 $
Dave Reynolds

Fields inherited from class com.hp.hpl.mesa.rdf.jena.rdb.DriverGenericGeneric
Constructor Summary
          Create a bare instance of the driver.
Method Summary
 Literal getLiteral(IDBID id)
          Fetch a literal just knowing its literal rdb-id.
 IDBID getLiteralID(Literal l)
          Return the database ID for the literal, if it exists
 IDBID getResourceID(Resource resource)
          Lookup the unique ID for a resource.
 java.lang.Object wrapFlag(boolean flag)
          Wrap up a boolean flag as a object which the jdbc driver can assert into a boolean/short column
Methods inherited from class com.hp.hpl.mesa.rdf.jena.rdb.DriverGenericMMGeneric
allocateModelID, getModelID, listModels, supportsMultipleModels
Methods inherited from class com.hp.hpl.mesa.rdf.jena.rdb.DriverGenericGeneric
addStatement, attachStore, cleanDB, close, createConstraints, deleteStatement, detachStore, formatDB, getConnection, getNamespace, getProperty, getProperty, getResource, getResource, getSQLCache, hintPropertyTable, isDBFormatOK, isStatementPresent, listNamespaces, listStatements, listStatements, listSubjects, loadDatabaseDriver, loadProperties, makeResource, saveProperties, setConnection, toString, wrapDBID
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.hp.hpl.mesa.rdf.jena.rdb.IRDBDriver
addStatement, allocateModelID, attachStore, cleanDB, close, createConstraints, deleteStatement, detachStore, formatDB, getConnection, getModelID, getNamespace, getProperty, getProperty, getResource, getResource, getSQLCache, hintPropertyTable, isDBFormatOK, isStatementPresent, listModels, listNamespaces, listStatements, listStatements, listSubjects, loadProperties, makeResource, setConnection, supportsMultipleModels, wrapDBID

Constructor Detail


public DriverOracleMMGeneric()
Create a bare instance of the driver. It is not functional until a database connection has been supplied via setConnection.
Method Detail


public IDBID getLiteralID(Literal l)
                   throws RDFRDBException
Return the database ID for the literal, if it exists
Specified by:
getLiteralID in interface IRDBDriver
getLiteralID in class DriverGenericGeneric


public java.lang.Object wrapFlag(boolean flag)
Wrap up a boolean flag as a object which the jdbc driver can assert into a boolean/short column
wrapFlag in class DriverGenericGeneric


public Literal getLiteral(IDBID id)
                   throws RDFException
Fetch a literal just knowing its literal rdb-id. Can be null if the ID can from a hash function and literal isn't registered yet. Patches up any mangled lang fields from Oracle.
Specified by:
getLiteral in interface IRDBDriver
getLiteral in class DriverGenericGeneric


public IDBID getResourceID(Resource resource)
                    throws RDFException
Lookup the unique ID for a resource. Return null if it does not have one yet.
Specified by:
getResourceID in interface IRDBDriver
getResourceID in class DriverGenericGeneric

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