Class DriverGenericAttribute
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- IRDBDriver
- public class DriverGenericAttribute
- extends DriverGenericGeneric
Adaption of the base generic layout driver to use separate tables
for specific predicates (called attributes).
This version just duplicates the generic store do a replacement
version if this looks useful.
- Version:
- $Revision: 1.2 $ on $Date: 2001/11/26 18:20:08 $
- Author:
- Dave Reynolds
Methods inherited from class com.hp.hpl.mesa.rdf.jena.rdb.DriverGenericGeneric |
allocateModelID, attachStore, close, createConstraints, deleteStatement, detachStore, formatDB, getConnection, getLiteral, getLiteralID, getModelID, getNamespace, getProperty, getProperty, getResource, getResource, getResourceID, getSQLCache, isDBFormatOK, isStatementPresent, listModels, listNamespaces, listStatements, listSubjects, loadDatabaseDriver, loadProperties, makeResource, saveProperties, setConnection, supportsMultipleModels, toString, wrapDBID, wrapFlag |
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait |
public DriverGenericAttribute()
- Create a bare instance of the driver. It is not functional until a
database connection has been supplied via setConnection.
public void hintPropertyTable(Property p)
throws RDFException
- Hint to the store that the given property could be stored as an
attribute table.
- Overrides:
in class DriverGenericGeneric
public void addStatement(Statement s,
ModelRDB m)
throws RDFException
- Register a statement in the database.
- Overrides:
in class DriverGenericGeneric
- Parameters:
- database index of the subject entrypredId
- database index of the predicate entryobjId
- database index of the object entryisLiteral
- if the object is a literal rather than a resource
public ResultSetIterator listStatements(Resource subject,
Property predicate,
RDFNode object,
ModelRDB m)
throws RDFException
- List all the statements in the model which match the given subject,
predicate object - each of which can be null (meaning wildcard).
- Overrides:
in class DriverGenericGeneric
public void cleanDB()
- Remove all RDF information from a database.
This will only work if there are no other clients us the DB so is mostly to
simplify testing that a practical tool. Partial DB config or cleaning can leave
the DB in a strange state hence it will continue with each cleanup phase even
if earlier phases have generated errors and erros are only logged, not propagated
as exceptions.
- Overrides:
in class DriverGenericGeneric
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