Class QueryResultsFormatter


public class QueryResultsFormatter
extends java.lang.Object

Takes a QueryResult object and returns formatted (in various ways) Useful for the scripting interface. May help for display in other contexts.

Note: this is compute intensive and memory intensive. It needs to read all the results first (all the results are now in-memory - not kept here) in order to find things like the maximum length of a column value; then it needs to pass over the results again, turning them into Strings again, in order to return them.

We prefer slow and less memory intensive because it is more rebust for scripting.

Don't keep QueryResultsFormatter's around unnecessarily!

Constructor Summary
QueryResultsFormatter(QueryResults qresults)
          Create a formatter for a QueryResults object
Method Summary
 void close()
          Forcefully clearup.
 void consume()
          This operation faithfully walks the results but does nothing with them.
 void dump( pw, boolean format)
          Write out a compact form.
 int numColumns()
          How wide is the result table
 int numRows()
          How deep is the result table.
 void printAll( pw, java.lang.String colSep)
          Textual representation
 void printAll( pw, java.lang.String colSep, java.lang.String lineEnd)
 void printHTML( pw)
          HTML representation
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public QueryResultsFormatter(QueryResults qresults)
Create a formatter for a QueryResults object
Method Detail


public int numColumns()
How wide is the result table


public int numRows()
How deep is the result table. Negative implies unknown


public void close()
Forcefully clearup. As results might have been read into memory, this operation signals intermediate data is no longer needed.


public void dump( pw,
                 boolean format)
Write out a compact form. This encodes all the information is a vaguely readable way but is suitable for reading in again. Used for testing.


public void printAll( pw,
                     java.lang.String colSep)
Textual representation


public void printAll( pw,
                     java.lang.String colSep,
                     java.lang.String lineEnd)


public void printHTML( pw)
HTML representation


public void consume()
This operation faithfully walks the results but does nothing with them. Used in timing operations. Becareful that a compiler does not optimize some or all of it away!

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