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Sähköinen nuottikirja, HY-TKTKL-OHTUPROJ KESÄ11
LocalDelegateDataSource Class Reference

Delegate and datasource for CatNipViewController's tableviews' when LIBRARYTYPE == LOCAL. More...

#import <LocalDelegateDataSource.h>

Collaboration diagram for LocalDelegateDataSource:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

(void) - alertView:clickedButtonAtIndex:
 Alertview's buttons target-action method.
(void) - changeLibraryTypeToLocal
 sets master's tableviews' delegates and datasources to this and reloads their data.
(UITableViewCell *) - createTableCellLeft:
 Prototype for libTabL's tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath function.
(UITableViewCell *) - createTableCellRight:
 Prototype for libTabR's tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath function.
(void) - didSelectRowAtLeftTable:
 libraryTableViewLeft's implementation of tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath.
(void) - didSelectRowAtRightTable:
 libraryTableViewRight's implementation of tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath.
(id) - initWithMaster:
 Basic init with master set.
(NSInteger) - numberOfSectionsInTableView:
 UITableViewDataSource protocol function's implementation.
(BOOL) - tableView:canEditRowAtIndexPath:
 UITableViewDataSource function's implementation.
(BOOL) - tableView:canMoveRowAtIndexPath:
 UITableViewDataSource function's implementation.
(UITableViewCell *) - tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:
 Mandatory UITableViewDataSource function's implementation.
(void) - tableView:commitEditingStyle:forRowAtIndexPath:
 Commits either composer or composition delete from local data.
(void) - tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath:
 UITableViewDelegate protocol function's implementation.
(UITableViewCellEditingStyle) - tableView:editingStyleForRowAtIndexPath:
 UITableViewDelegate protocol function's implementation.
(CGFloat) - tableView:heightForFooterInSection:
 UITableViewDelegate protocol function's implementation.
(CGFloat) - tableView:heightForHeaderInSection:
 UITableViewDelegate protocol function's implementation.
(CGFloat) - tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath:
 UITableViewDelegate protocol function's implementation.
(void) - tableView:moveRowAtIndexPath:toIndexPath:
 UITableViewDataSource function's implementation.
(NSInteger) - tableView:numberOfRowsInSection:
 Mandatory UITableViewDataSource protocol function's implementation.
(UIView *) - tableView:viewForFooterInSection:
 UITableViewDelegate protocol function's implementation.
(UIView *) - tableView:viewForHeaderInSection:
 UITableViewDelegate protocol function's implementation.
(void) - updateTables
 Updates libraryTableViews, composerDictionary etc.

Protected Attributes



NSMutableArray * allLocalScores
NSMutableDictionary * composerDictionary
 Stores composer's (key) all compositions (CompositionData objects) as NSMutableArray (value)
NSArray * composers
NSArray * compositions
IBOutlet CatNiPViewControllermaster

Detailed Description

Delegate and datasource for CatNipViewController's tableviews' when LIBRARYTYPE == LOCAL.

Uses composerDictionary made from local data as datasource.

API up to date 28.6.2011

Definition at line 13 of file LocalDelegateDataSource.h.

Member Function Documentation

- (void) alertView: (UIAlertView *)  alertView
clickedButtonAtIndex: (NSInteger)  buttonIndex 
- (void) changeLibraryTypeToLocal

sets master's tableviews' delegates and datasources to this and reloads their data.

Definition at line 360 of file LocalDelegateDataSource.m.

References composerDictionary, composers, and LocalDataHandler::createComposerDictionary:.

Here is the call graph for this function:

- (UITableViewCell *) createTableCellLeft: (NSIndexPath *)  indexPath

Prototype for libTabL's tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath function.

Creates standard cell for application and assigns cell.textLabel.text = composers[[indexPath row]].

createTableCellLeftindexPath for cell
UITableViewCell for given parametres

Definition at line 96 of file LocalDelegateDataSource.m.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

- (UITableViewCell *) createTableCellRight: (NSIndexPath *)  indexPath

Prototype for libTabR's tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath function.

Creates standard cell for application and assigns cell.textLabel.text = compositions[[indexPath row]].

createTableCellRightindexPath for cell
UITableViewCell for given parametres

Definition at line 113 of file LocalDelegateDataSource.m.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

- (void) didSelectRowAtLeftTable: (NSIndexPath *)  indexPath

libraryTableViewLeft's implementation of tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath.

Shows libraryTableViewRight if hidden and reloads it's data.

didSelectRowAtLeftTablelocation of the new selected row in libraryTableViewLeft

Definition at line 247 of file LocalDelegateDataSource.m.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

- (void) didSelectRowAtRightTable: (NSIndexPath *)  indexPath

libraryTableViewRight's implementation of tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath.

Opens scorepopover for selected composition.

didSelectRowAtRightTablelocation of the new selected row in libraryTableViewRight

Definition at line 265 of file LocalDelegateDataSource.m.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

- (id) initWithMaster: (CatNiPViewController *)  m

Basic init with master set.

Definition at line 24 of file LocalDelegateDataSource.m.

- (NSInteger) numberOfSectionsInTableView: (UITableView *)  tableView

UITableViewDataSource protocol function's implementation.

Check framework's API for details.


Definition at line 51 of file LocalDelegateDataSource.m.

- (BOOL) tableView: (UITableView *)  tableView
canEditRowAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *)  indexPath 

UITableViewDataSource function's implementation.

returns YES

Definition at line 146 of file LocalDelegateDataSource.m.

- (BOOL) tableView: (UITableView *)  tableView
canMoveRowAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *)  indexPath 

UITableViewDataSource function's implementation.

dummy implementation. Check framework's API if you want to add functionality in here.


Definition at line 137 of file LocalDelegateDataSource.m.

- (UITableViewCell *) tableView: (UITableView *)  tableView
cellForRowAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *)  indexPath 

Mandatory UITableViewDataSource function's implementation.

Calls proper UITableView's tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath for which the cell is needed.

Check framework's API for details.

tableViewlibraryTableViewLeft or libraryTableViewRight
cellForRowAtIndexPathindexPath for cell to be created in tableView
UITableViewCell for given parametres

Definition at line 81 of file LocalDelegateDataSource.m.

References createTableCellLeft:, createTableCellRight:, CatNiPViewController::libraryTableViewLeft, CatNiPViewController::libraryTableViewRight, and master.

Here is the call graph for this function:

- (void) tableView: (UITableView *)  tableView
commitEditingStyle: (UITableViewCellEditingStyle)  editingStyle
forRowAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *)  indexPath 

Commits either composer or composition delete from local data.

Asks confirmation in alert view before deleting takes place.

Check framework's API for details.

Definition at line 156 of file LocalDelegateDataSource.m.

References LocalScoreData::composer, CompositionData::composerName, CompositionData::compositionName, CatNiPViewController::currentScore, CatNiPViewController::libraryTableViewLeft, CatNiPViewController::libraryTableViewRight, and master.

- (void) tableView: (UITableView *)  tableView
didSelectRowAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *)  indexPath 

UITableViewDelegate protocol function's implementation.

Calls spesified tableView's handler to determine behaviour. Check framework's API for details.

tableViewobject informing the delegate about the new row selection.
didSelectRowAtIndexPathlocating the new selected row in tableView

Definition at line 235 of file LocalDelegateDataSource.m.

References didSelectRowAtLeftTable:, didSelectRowAtRightTable:, CatNiPViewController::libraryTableViewLeft, CatNiPViewController::libraryTableViewRight, and master.

Here is the call graph for this function:

- (UITableViewCellEditingStyle) tableView: (UITableView *)  tableView
editingStyleForRowAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *)  indexPath 

UITableViewDelegate protocol function's implementation.

Everything is deletable when LIBRARYTYPE == LOCAL

Check frameworks API for details.


Definition at line 350 of file LocalDelegateDataSource.m.

- (CGFloat) tableView: (UITableView *)  tableView
heightForFooterInSection: (NSInteger)  section 

UITableViewDelegate protocol function's implementation.

Add some padding in the footer of libraryTableViewLeft and libraryTableViewRight so that last elements will show for user even if the keyboard is visible.

tableViewlibraryTableViewLeft or libraryTableViewRight
heightForFooterInSectionCurrently only one section (0) in tableViews
Footer's height as CGFloat type, currently 350.

Definition at line 284 of file LocalDelegateDataSource.m.

- (CGFloat) tableView: (UITableView *)  tableView
heightForHeaderInSection: (NSInteger)  section 

UITableViewDelegate protocol function's implementation.

All headers have height of 40.


Definition at line 311 of file LocalDelegateDataSource.m.

- (CGFloat) tableView: (UITableView *)  tableView
heightForRowAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *)  indexPath 

UITableViewDelegate protocol function's implementation.

Calculate table's row height dynamically based on cell.textLabel.text length. Height is calculated with following formula: (([cell.textLabel.text length] / 34) * 17) + 50

tableViewfor which the height is calculated
heightForRowAtIndexPaththe row for which the height is calculated
row's height in CGFloat type

Definition at line 218 of file LocalDelegateDataSource.m.

References CatNiPViewController::libraryTableViewLeft, CatNiPViewController::libraryTableViewRight, and master.

- (void) tableView: (UITableView *)  tableView
moveRowAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *)  fromIndexPath
toIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *)  toIndexPath 

UITableViewDataSource function's implementation.

dummy implementation. Check framework's API if you want to add functionality in here.

Definition at line 126 of file LocalDelegateDataSource.m.

- (NSInteger) tableView: (UITableView *)  tableView
numberOfRowsInSection: (NSInteger)  section 

Mandatory UITableViewDataSource protocol function's implementation.

Check framework's API for details.

number of composers or compositions depending on tableView

Definition at line 64 of file LocalDelegateDataSource.m.

References CatNiPViewController::libraryTableViewLeft, CatNiPViewController::libraryTableViewRight, and master.

- (UIView *) tableView: (UITableView *)  tableView
viewForFooterInSection: (NSInteger)  section 

UITableViewDelegate protocol function's implementation.

Add some padding in the footer of libraryTableViewLeft and libraryTableViewRight so that last elements will show for user even if the keyboard is visible.

tableViewlibraryTableViewLeft or libraryTableViewRight
heightForFooterInSectionCurrently only one section (0) in tableViews
footer's view.

Definition at line 298 of file LocalDelegateDataSource.m.

- (UIView *) tableView: (UITableView *)  tableView
viewForHeaderInSection: (NSInteger)  section 

UITableViewDelegate protocol function's implementation.

tableViewlibraryTableViewLeft or libraryTableViewRight
Header view for section in tableView

Definition at line 322 of file LocalDelegateDataSource.m.

References composers, CatNiPViewController::libraryTableViewLeft, CatNiPViewController::libraryTableViewRight, and master.

- (void) updateTables

Updates libraryTableViews, composerDictionary etc.

relevant data to current.

Definition at line 381 of file LocalDelegateDataSource.m.

References composerDictionary, LocalDataHandler::createComposerDictionary:, CatNiPViewController::libraryTableViewLeft, and master.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

- (CatNiPViewController*) master [protected]

Definition at line 18 of file LocalDelegateDataSource.h.

Property Documentation

- (NSMutableArray*) allLocalScores [read, write, retain]

Definition at line 24 of file LocalDelegateDataSource.h.

- (NSMutableDictionary*) composerDictionary [read, write, retain]

Stores composer's (key) all compositions (CompositionData objects) as NSMutableArray (value)

Definition at line 27 of file LocalDelegateDataSource.h.

- (NSArray *) composers [read, write, copy]

Definition at line 16 of file LocalDelegateDataSource.h.

- (NSArray *) compositions [read, write, copy]

Definition at line 17 of file LocalDelegateDataSource.h.

- (IBOutlet CatNiPViewController*) master [read, write, retain]

Definition at line 21 of file LocalDelegateDataSource.h.

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