CatNiP -test sprint-4-interim
<MediaWikiCategoryQueryDelegate> Protocol Reference

#import <MediaWikiCategoryQueryDelegate.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

(void) - didReceiveCategoryArray:
(void) - categoryParseFailed:

Member Function Documentation

- (void) categoryParseFailed: (NSError *)  error

The method to call when the reading of the category fails for some reason.

- (void) didReceiveCategoryArray: (NSArray *)  categoryArray

The method to call when a chunk of the category query has finished, containing the actual wiki page names received from the MediaWiki. The MediaWikiCategoryQuery object will have it's continueFrom property set to a non-nil value if the MediaWiki reports it has more content available that could fit into this data chunk.

The documentation for this protocol was generated from the following file:
 All Classes Files Functions Variables Properties Defines