CatNiP -test sprint-4-interim
LocalDataHandler Class Reference

#import <LocalDataHandler.h>

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

(void) + deleteFiles:
(void) + deleteFileAtFilePath:
(void) + saveScoresToDefaultFile:
(void) + savePlaylistsToDefaultFile:
(NSMutableArray *) + loadLocalScoresFromDefaultFile
(NSMutableArray *) + loadPlaylistsFromDefaultFile
(LocalScoreData *) + createLocalScoreData:ofIMSLPComposition:localScores:
(NSInteger) + searchFreeIndexForScore:
(NSMutableDictionary *) + createComposerDictionary:

Member Function Documentation

+ (NSMutableDictionary *) createComposerDictionary: (NSArray *)  scores
+ (LocalScoreData *) createLocalScoreData: (NSArray *)  fileNameParams
ofIMSLPComposition: (IMSLPCompositionData *)  comp
localScores: (NSArray *)  scores 

Creates LocalScoreData objects for given parameters

fileNameParamsArray for score's file name (0) and file path (1)
ofIMSLPCompositionIMSLPCompositionData object of given composer and composition created by IMSLP composition query. Contains composer and composition name and array of IMSLPScoreData objects.
localScoresArray of LocalScoreData objects
LocalScoreData object representing given arguments
+ (void) deleteFileAtFilePath: (NSString *)  filepath
+ (void) deleteFiles: (NSArray *)  filepaths
+ (NSMutableArray *) loadLocalScoresFromDefaultFile
+ (NSMutableArray *) loadPlaylistsFromDefaultFile
+ (void) savePlaylistsToDefaultFile: (NSMutableArray *)  playlists
+ (void) saveScoresToDefaultFile: (NSMutableArray *)  scores
+ (NSInteger) searchFreeIndexForScore: (NSArray *)  scores

Search all local scores for first free index and return it.

Indeces start from 1 and increment by one.

searchFreeIndexForScoresArray of LocalScoreData objects
If given array is null or it's count is 0 returns 1. Otherwise returns first free positive integer which is not index for any of the LocalScoreData objects in given array.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Files Functions Variables Properties Defines