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Sähköinen nuottikirja, HY-TKTKL-OHTUPROJ KESÄ11
UIScrollBar Class Reference

#import <UIScrollBar.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

(id) - init [implementation]
 Initializes the internal variables of the object.
(id) - initWithCoder: [implementation]
 Initializes the object using the data in a given unarchiver.
(id) - initWithFrame: [implementation]
 Initializes the object with the specified frame rectangle and default display settings.
(void) - scrollViewDidScroll: [implementation]
 Automatically updates the location of the thumb when the scroll view is scrolled.
(void) - setDirection: [implementation]
 Sets the direction of the scroll bar.
(void) - setTransform: [implementation]
 Sets the transformation of the scroll bar.
(void) - thumbDidMove:event: [implementation]
 Automatically updates the offset of the delegate when the thumb is moved.
(void) - thumbWasRelocated: [implementation]
 Automatically moves the thumb to where the user touched the scrollbar, and updates the offset of the delegate based on its new location.

Protected Attributes

CGAffineTransform rotate


UIScrollView * delegate
 The delegate of the scroll bar object.
float direction
 The direction of the scroll bar.
CGAffineTransform transform
 Specifies the transform applied to the receiver, relative to the center of its bounds.

Member Function Documentation

- (id) init [implementation]

Initializes the internal variables of the object.

Do not use this method to initialize new instances of the object. It only encapsulates common initialization code and does not call any superclass constructors. Use initWithFrame instead.

The initialized object.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

- (id) initWithCoder: (NSCoder *)  aDecoder [implementation]

Initializes the object using the data in a given unarchiver.

This method is used to provide compatibility with xib files. Do not call it programmatically.

aDecoderAn unarchiver object.
The initialized object, or nil if the object couldn't be created.

Here is the call graph for this function:

- (id) initWithFrame: (CGRect)  frame [implementation]

Initializes the object with the specified frame rectangle and default display settings.

frameThe frame rectangle for the view, measured in points.
The initialized object, or nil if the object couldn't be created.

Here is the call graph for this function:

- (void) scrollViewDidScroll: (UIScrollView *)  scrollView [implementation]

Automatically updates the location of the thumb when the scroll view is scrolled.

- (void) setDirection: (float)  value [implementation]

Sets the direction of the scroll bar.

valueThe counter-clockwise angle, in radians, towards which the scroll bar increments. Only multiples of M_PI_2 are supported.
- (void) setTransform: (CGAffineTransform)  value [implementation]

Sets the transformation of the scroll bar.

This method does not override the rotation applied by the direction property.

valueAn affine transformation matrix.
- (void) thumbDidMove: (id)  sender
event: (id)  event 

Automatically updates the offset of the delegate when the thumb is moved.

- (void) thumbWasRelocated: (UIGestureRecognizer *)  gestureRecognizer [implementation]

Automatically moves the thumb to where the user touched the scrollbar, and updates the offset of the delegate based on its new location.

Member Data Documentation

- (CGAffineTransform) rotate [protected]

Property Documentation

- (UIScrollView *) delegate [read, write, assign]

The delegate of the scroll bar object.

- (float) direction [read, write, assign]

The direction of the scroll bar.

Only multiples of M_PI_2 are allowed.

The counter-clockwise angle (in radians) of the scroll bar.
- (CGAffineTransform) transform [read, write, assign]

Specifies the transform applied to the receiver, relative to the center of its bounds.

The transformation of the scroll bar.

The affine transformation matrix of the scroll bar, not including the rotation applied by the direction property.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Files Functions Variables Enumerations Enumerator Properties Defines