Chapter 4
Machine learning as minimization of errors

In this chapter, we will go through some of the basics of the backbone of modern AI: machine learning. Such AI crucially relies on learning from incoming data, which is also true of the brain. Machine learning is most often used in conjunction with neural networks, which are powerful function approximators, loosely mimicking how computations happen in the brain. We will also consider an alternative, older approach to intelligence based on symbols, logic, and language, which is now called “good old-fashioned AI”. (The preceding chapter with its discrete, finite states, was an example of this latter approach.)

A central message in this chapter is that learning is often based on some measure of error. Minimizing such errors means optimizing the performance of the system. The fundamental importance of computing and signalling such errors is important in future chapters where such errors are directly linked to suffering, generalizing the concept of frustration. I conclude this chapter by claiming that any kind of learning from complex data can lead to quite unexpected results, something that the programmer could not anticipate.

Neurons and neural networks

Modern AI is based on the observation that the human brain is the only “device” we know to be intelligent for sure and without any controversy. It is actually not easy to define what “intelligence” means, and I will not attempt to do that in this book.1 Yet, nobody denies that the brain is intelligent—or, to put it another way, it enables us to behave in an intelligent way. The brain is intelligent as if by definition; it is the very standard-bearer of intelligence. If you want to build an intelligent machine, it makes sense to try to mimick the processing taking place in the brain.

Neurons as tiny processors

The computation in the brain is done by specialized cells called neural cells or neurons. A schematic picture of a neuron is in Fig. 4.1. A neuron receives input from other neurons, processes that input, and outputs the results of its computations to many other neurons. There are tens of billions of neurons in the human brain. Each single neuron can be seen as a simple information-processing unit, or a processor.2


Figure 4.1: A schematic of a neuron. Input signals coming from other neurons (from the left) are received by the neuron (depicted by the black disk). Computation happens inside the neuron, and the resulting output signal is transmitted to a number of other neurons (depicted by white disks) on the right-hand side. The other neurons simultaneously receive input signals from many further neurons outside of this figure (depicted by further arrows).

All these tiny processors do their computations simultaneously, which is called parallel processing in technical jargon. The opposite of parallel processing is serial processing, where a single processor does various computational operations one after another—this is how ordinary CPU’s in computers work. Another major difference between the brain and ordinary computers is that processing in neurons is also distributed. This means that each neuron processes information quite separately from the others: It gets its own input and sends its own output to other neurons, without sharing any memory or similar resources. Compared to an ordinary PC, the brain is thus a massively parallel and distributed computer. Instead of a couple of highly sophisticated and powerful processors as found in a PC, the brain has a massive amount—billions—of very simple processors. (Parallel and distributed processing is discussed in detail in Chapter 6.)

While the actual neurons are surprisingly complex, in AI, a highly simplified model of a real neuron is used. Sometimes, such a model is called an artificial neuron to distinguish it from the real thing, but for simplicity, we call them just neurons. Like a real neuron, an artificial neuron gets input signals from other neurons, but each such input signal is very simple, just a single number; we can think of it as being between zero and one, like a percentage. Based on those inputs, the neuron computes its output which is, again, a single number. This output is, in its turn, input to many other neurons.

In such a simple model, the essential thing is to devise a simple mathematical formula for computing the output of the cell as a function of the inputs. In typical models, the output is computed, essentially, as a weighted sum of the inputs. The weights used in that sum are interpreted, in the biological analogy, as the strengths of the connections between neurons, or the incoming “wires” on the left-hand-side of Fig. 4.1. These weights can get either positive or negative values: The weight is defined as zero for those neurons from which no input is received. The weighted sum is usually further thresholded (i.e. passed through a nonlinear function) so that the output is forced to be between zero and one. In the brain, the connections are implemented through small communication channels called synapses, which is why the weights can also be called “synaptic”.

Importantly, these weights can be interpreted as a pattern, or a template, which the neuron is sensitive to. Thus, a neuron can be seen as a very simple pattern-matching unit. The neuron gives a large output if the pattern of all the input signals matches the pattern stored in the vector of weights or connection strengths.

As an illustration, consider a neuron which has a weight with the numerical value +1 for inputs from another neuron, let’s call it neuron A, as well as a zero weight from neuron B, and a weight of -1 neuron C. This neuron will give a maximal output (it is maximally “activated”) when the input to the neuron is similar to the pattern of those weights: It will output strongly when neuron A gives a large output and the neuron C has a small output, while it does not care what the output of neuron B might be. In other words, the neuron computes how well the pattern stored in its synaptic weights matches with the pattern of incoming input, and its output is simply a measure of that match.

Such pattern-matching is obviously most useful in processing sensory input, such as images. Consider a neuron whose inputs come from single pixels in an image. That is, the input consists of the numerical values of each pixel, telling how bright it is, i.e. whether it is white, black, or some sort of grey. Then, we can plot the synaptic weights as an image, so that the grey-scale value in each pixel in this plot is given by the corresponding synaptic weights. If they are -1 or +1 as in the previous example, we can plot those values as black and white, respectively. A neuron could have synaptic weights as in Fig 4.2. Clearly, this neuron is specialized for detecting a digit, in particular number two.


Figure 4.2: Synaptic weights of a neuron illustrated. Pixels shown in black have a connection strength of -1 to the neuron (depicted in blue), while pixels shown in white have a connection strength of +1. The neuron is maximally activated when the input corresponds to the stored pattern, which is the digit “2”.

Of course, in reality, to recognize digits (or anything else) in real images, things are much more complicated. For one thing, the pattern to be recognized could be in a different location. If the digit is moved just one pixel to the right or to the left, the pattern matching does not work anymore, and the neuron will not recognize the digit. Likewise, if the digit were white on a black background instead of black on a white background, the same pattern-matching would not work. To solve these problems, we need something more sophisticated.

Networks based on successive pattern matching

Building a neural network greatly enhances the capabilities of such an AI, and solves the problems just mentioned. A neural network is literally a network consisting of many neurons. Networks can take many different forms, but the most typical one is a hierarchical one, where neurons are organized into layers, each of which contains several cells, actually quite a few sometimes. The incoming input first goes to the cells in the first layer which compute their outputs and send them to neurons in the second layer, and so on. This is illustrated in Figure 4.3.

From the viewpoint of pattern-matching, such a network performs successive and parallel pattern matching. The input is first matched to all the patterns stored in the first-layer neurons, and those neurons then output the degrees to which the input matched their stored patterns or templates. These outputs are sent to the next layer, whose neurons then compare the pattern of first-layer activities to their templates. So, the second-layer patterns are not patterns of original input (such as the pixels of an image) but patterns of the first-layer activities, which form a description of the input on a slightly more abstract level. This goes on layer by layer, so that each neuron in each layer is “looking for” a particular kind of pattern in the activities of the neurons in the previous layer. The patterns are always stored in the synaptic weights of the neurons.

The utility of such a network structure is that it enables much more powerful computation. For example, consider the problem of a digit which could be in slightly different locations in the image, as mentioned above. The problem of different locations can be fixed by having several neurons in the first layer, each of which matches the digit in one possible location. All we need in the second layer is a neuron that adds the inputs of all first-layer neurons, and thus computes if any of them finds a match. With such a scheme, the second-layer neuron is able to see if there is a digit “2” at any location in the image.


Figure 4.3: An illustration of a neural network. The information enters the system in the first “layer” of black neurons on the left-hand side. It is processed by several successive layers, each having five neurons illustrated by small black disks. Each neuron is doing a simple pattern-matching computation on its inputs, and transmitting the result of that computation to the next layer to its right, along the wires depicted in blue. The information is transmitted from the left (input) to the right (output). As a result of many neurons (in reality, thousands or even millions), the total computation of the network is highly complex and can achieve sophisticated object recognition, as well as many other kinds of computations.

Finding the right function by learning

Now, a crucial question is how the synaptic connection weights can be set to useful values. In modern AI, the synaptic weights between neurons are learned from data, hence the term machine learning. Learning is really the core principle in most modern AI. Especially in the case of neural networks, it is actually difficult to imagine any alternative. How could a human programmer possibly understand what kind of strengths are needed between the different neurons? In some cases, it might be possible: in image processing, the first one or two layers do have rather simple intuitive interpretations, as we have alluded to above. However, with many layers—and neural networks can have thousands of them— the task seems quite impossible, and hardly anybody has seriously tried to design such neural networks by fixing the weights manually, based either on some theory or intuition.

In the brain, the situation is quite similar. There is simply not enough information in the genome—which is somewhat analogous to the programmer here—to specify what the synaptic connection strengths should be for all the neurons. It would hardly be optimal anyway to let the genes completely determine the synaptic connections, since animals live in environments that may change from one generation to another, and some individual adaptation to circumstances is clearly useful. What happens instead is that the synaptic weights change as a function of the input and the output of the neuron, or as a function of perceptions and actions of the organism. The capability of the brain to undergo such changes is called “plasticity”, and those changes are the biophysical mechanism underlying most of learning in humans or animals.

How such changes precisely happen in the brain is an immensely complex issue, and we understand only some basic mechanisms. Nevertheless, in AI, a number of relatively simple and very useful learning algorithms have been developed. Neural networks using them learn to perform basic “intelligent” tasks such as recognizing patterns (is it a cat or a dog?) or predicting the future (if I turn left at the next intersection, what will I see?). Learning in a neural network in such a case is based on learning a mapping, or function, from input data to output data. Let’s first consider a single neuron. It can basically learn to solve simple classification problems, as illustrated in Figure 4.4. If the classes are nicely separated in the input space, a single neuron can learn, as its synaptic weights, the pattern that precisely describes the difference between the classes.


Figure 4.4: A simple illustration of what kind of a function a single neuron can learn in the basic case of classification with two classes. Each object (e.g. image of an animal) can be considered as a point in a very high-dimensional space where the coordinates correspond to pixel values, for example. For the purposes of this illustration, we assume there are only two input variables, so we can plot the points on a 2D plane. We also assume there are only two classes (something like “cats” and “dogs”) which correspond to black and blue points, respectively. In the ideal case, the neuron will learn to output a “one” when the input is in one of the classes, and a “zero” when it is in the other class. Such learning corresponds to learning the line that separates the two classes, drawn here as red. Finding a line that separates the classes is clearly possible based on this data, and you have probably done that automatically in your head while looking at this figure. Such learning can be done by a single artificial neuron due to the great simplicity of this illustration, but in reality, we would often need a neural network with many neurons and layers.

However, a network with many neurons can learn to represent much more complex functions from input to output. The input data could be photographs and the output data could be a word describing the main content of the photograph (“cat”, “dog”, or “unicorn”). The learning of the input-output mapping then consists of changing the synaptic weights of all the neurons in all the layers. In successive layers, the network performs increasingly sophisticated and abstract computations, consisting of matching the inputs successively to the templates given by the weight vectors in each layer. After learning the right mapping, you can input a photograph to the system, and the output of the neural network will give its estimate of what the photograph depicts.

There is an infinite number of different ways you can use a neural network by just defining the inputs and outputs in different ways. If you want to learn to predict future stock prices, the input data would be the past prices and the output, current stock prices. You can create a recommendation system that recommends new products to people in online shopping by defining the inputs to be some personal information of the customers, and the output whether the customer bought a certain item or not.3 In a rather unsavoury application, the inputs would be what a social media user likes, and the output some sensitive personal information (say, sexual orientation), and then you can predict that sensitive information for anybody. Whether the prediction is accurate is another question, of course.

Here, we see one main limitation of machine learning: The availability of data. Where do you get the sensitive personal information of social media users in the first place, i.e. where do you get the data to train your network? Maybe nobody wants to give you such sensitive data. In other cases, the data may be very expensive to collect; for example, in a medical application, useful measurements and their analyses may cost a lot of money. Finding suitable data is a major limiting factor in neural network training; this is a theme we will come back to many times. Learning needs data, obviously; but it also needs the right kind of data, and enough of it.

Learning as minimization of errors

After we have got the data, we need to define how to actually perform the learning. Most often, the learning is based on formulating some kind of error, and the network then tries to minimize it by an algorithm. The error is a function of the data, i.e. something that can be computed based on the data at our disposal, and tells us something about how well the system is performing.

Suppose the data we have consists of a large number of photographs and the associated categories (cat/dog etc.). To recognize patterns in the images, the network could learn by minimizing the percentage of input images classified incorrectly, called classification error. Alternatively, suppose we want to learn to predict how an agent’s actions change the world—say, how activation of an artificial muscle changes the position of the arm of a robot. In that case, what is minimized is prediction error: The magnitude of the difference between the predicted result of the action and the true result of the action (which can be observed after the action). Such errors don’t usually go to zero, i.e. there will always be some error left even after a lot of learning. This is due to the uncertain and uncontrollable nature of the world and an agent’s actions; that’s another theme we will discuss in detail in later chapters.

We also need to develop an algorithm to minimize the errors, but there are standard solutions that usually are satisfactory. What most such algorithms have in common is they learn by making tiny changes in the weights of the networks. This is because optimizing an error function, such as classification error, is actually a very difficult computational task: There is usually no formula available to compute the best values for the weight vectors. In contrast, what is usually possible is to obtain a mathematical formula that gives the direction in which the weights should be changed to make the error function decrease the fastest. That direction is given by what is called the gradient, which is a generalization of the derivative in basic calculus.

So, you can optimize the error function step by step as follows. You start by assigning some random values to the weight vectors. Given those values, you can compute the gradient, and then take a small step in that direction (i.e. move the weight vector a bit in that direction), which should reduce the error function, such as prediction error. But you have to repeat that many times, often thousands or even millions, always computing the gradient for the new weight values obtained at the previous step. (The direction of the gradient is different at every step unless the error function is extremely simple.) Such an algorithm is called iterative (repeating) because it is based on repeating the same kind of operations many times, always feeding in the results of the previous computation step to the next step. Using an iterative algorithm may not sound like a very efficient way of learning, but usually an iterative gradient algorithm is the only thing we are able to design and program.

Such an algorithm is a bit like somebody giving you instructions when you’re parking your car and cannot see the right spot precisely enough. They will only give instructions which are valid for a small displacement. When they say “Back”, that means you need to back the car a little bit, and then follow some new instructions. This is essentially an iterative algorithm, where you get instructions for the direction of a small displacement, and they are different at every time step.

Neural networks use an even more strongly iterative method, based on computing the gradient for just a few data points at a time. A data point is one instance of the input-output relation data, for example, a single photograph and its category. In principle, a proper gradient method would look at all the data at its disposal, and push the weights a small step in the direction that improves the error function, say the classification error, for the data set as a whole. However, if we have a really big data set, say millions of images, it may be too slow to compute the error function for all of them. What the algorithms usually do is to take a small number of data points and compute the gradient only for those. That is, you just take a hundred photographs, say, and compute the gradient, i.e. in which direction the weights should be moved to make the classification accuracy better, for those particular images. Importantly, at every step you randomly select a new set of a hundred images, and do the same thing for those images.

The point is that you are still on average moving the weights in the right direction, so this is not much worse than computing the real gradient. But crucially, you can take steps much more quickly, since the computation of the gradient is much faster for the small sample. It turns out that in practice, the benefit of taking more steps often overwhelms the slight disadvantage of having just an approximation of the gradient.4

Putting these two ideas together, we get what is called the stochastic gradient descent algorithm. Here, “descent” refers to the fact that we want to minimize an error. “Stochastic” means “random”, and refers to the fact that you are computing the gradient for randomly chosen data points, so you are going in the right direction only on average.

Suppose you’re in an unfamiliar city and you need to get to the railway station. Your “error function” is the distance from the station. You can ask a passer-by which direction the station is, and you get something analogous to the gradient for one data point. Now, of course, that direction given by the passer-by is not certain, she could very well be mistaken; maybe she even said she is not quite sure about the direction. But you probably prefer to walk a bit in that direction, and then ask another passer-by. This is like stochastic gradient descent, where you follow an approximation of the gradient, given by each single data point. The opposite would be that instead of following each person’s advice one after the other, you first ask everybody you see on the street where they think the station is, and move in the average of the directions they are giving. Sure, you would get a very precise idea of what the right direction is, but you would advance very slowly—this is analogous to using the full, non-stochastic gradient.

Gradient optimization vs. evolution

There are many more ways of optimizing an error function, and many systems that can be conceptualized as the optimization of a function. In particular, evolution is a process where the error function called fitness is optimized. Fitness is basically the same as reproductive success, which can be quantified as the expected number of offspring of an organism.5

Fitness is, of course, maximized, while errors in AI are minimized. However, this difference is completely insignificant on the level of the optimization algorithms, since maximization of a function is the same as minimizing the negative of that function. Thus, evolution can equally well be seen as minimization of the negative fitness.

In general, such a function to the optimized—whether minimized or maximized—is called an “objective function”. The objective function does not necessarily have to be any kind of a measure of an error, although in AI, it often is. Note that the objective function is different from the function from the input to the output that the neural network is computing, as described above. The objective function is what enables the system to learn the best possible input-output function, so it works on a completely different level.

Evolution works in a very different way than stochastic gradient descent. But it is actually possible to mimick evolution in AI and use what is called evolution strategies, evolutionary algorithms, or genetic algorithms. These are iterative algorithms which are sometimes quite competitive with gradient methods. They can optimize any function, which does not need to have anything to do with biological fitness. For example, we can learn the weights in a neural network by such methods. The idea is to optimize the given error function by having a “population” of points in the weight space, which is like a population of individual organisms in evolution.

Like real evolution, such algorithms are based on two steps. First, new “offspring” is generated for each existing “organism”. In the simplest case, you randomly choose some new weight values close to the current weight values of each organism, which is a bit like asexual reproduction in bacteria, with some mutations to create variability. Then, you evaluate each of those new organisms by computing the value of the error (such as classification error) for their values for weights. Finally, you consider the value of the error as an analogue of fitness in biological evolution, albeit with the opposite sign because fitness is to be maximized while an error function is to be minimized. What this means is that you let those organisms (or weight values) with the smallest values of the error “survive”, i.e. you keep those weight values in memory and discard those weight values which have larger (that is, worse) values of the error function. You also discard the organisms of the previous iteration or “generation”, since those individual organisms die in the biological analogy.

Such an evolutionary algorithm will find new weight values which are increasingly better because only the organisms with the best weight values survive in each iteration. Thus, it is an iterative algorithm that optimizes the error function. It is a randomized algorithm, like stochastic gradient descent, in the sense that it randomly probes new points in the weight space. In fact, an evolutionary algorithm is much more random than stochastic gradient descent, since gradient methods use information about the shape of the error function to find the best direction to move to, while evolutionary methods have no such information. This is a disadvantage of evolutionary algorithms, but on the other hand, one step in an evolutionary algorithm can be much faster to compute since you don’t need to compute the gradient, just random variations of existing weights.6

So, we see that both evolution and machine learning are optimizing objective functions. The optimization algorithms are often quite different, but they need not be. One important difference is that in machine learning, the programmer knows the error function, and explicitly tells the agent to minimize it. In real biological evolution, fitness is an extremely complicated function of the environment; it cannot be computed by anybody, nor can its gradient. Real biological fitness can only be observed afterwards, by looking at who survived in the real environment, and even then you only get a rough idea of the values of fitness of the individual organisms concerned: Those who die probably had a low fitness, but it is all quite random—even more than stochastic gradient descent. (If an organism were actually able to compute the gradient of its fitness, that would give it a huge evolutionary advantage.) Another important difference is that in biology, evolution works on a very long time scale, over generations, while in AI, the learning in the neural networks happens typically inside an individual’s life span. The evolutionary algorithms in AI typically learn within an individual agent’s lifespan as well, only simulating “offspring” of a neural network in its processors.

Learning associations by Hebbian rule

So far, we have seen learning as based on finding a good mapping from input to output. Such learning is called supervised because there is, metaphorically speaking, a “supervisor” that tells the network what the right output is for each input. Yet, sometimes it is not known what the output of a neural network should be, or whether there is any point at all in talking about separate input and output—especially if we are talking about the brain. In such a case, learning needs to be based on completely different principles, called unsupervised learning. In unsupervised learning, the learning system does not know anything about any desired output (such as the category of an input photo). Instead, it will try to learn some regularities in the input data.

The most basic form of unsupervised learning is learning associations between different input items. In a neural network, they are represented as connections between the neurons representing those two items. For example, if you have one neuron representing “dog” and another neuron representing “barking”, it is reasonable that there should be a strong association between them.

One theory of how such basic unsupervised learning happens in the brain is called Hebbian learning. Donald Hebb proposed in 1949 that when neuron A repeatedly and persistently takes part in activating neuron B, some growth process takes place in one or both neurons such that A’s efficiency in activating B is increased.7 Such Hebbian learning is fundamentally about learning associations between objects or events. A very simple expression of the Hebbian idea is that “cells that fire together, wire together”, where “firing” is a neurobiological expression for activation of a neuron. In this formulation, Hebbian learning is essentially analysing statistical correlations between the activities of different neurons.8

One thing which clearly has to be added to the original Hebbian mechanism is some kind of forgetting mechanism. It would be rather implausible that learning would only increase the connections between neurons. Surely, to compensate, there must be a mechanism for decreasing the strengths of some connections as well. Usually, it is assumed that if two cells are not activated together for some time, their connection is weakened, as a kind of negative version of Hebb’s idea.9

Hebbian learning has been widely used in AI, and it has turned out to be a highly versatile tool. You can build many different kinds of Hebbian learning, depending on how the inputs are presented to the system and on the mathematical details of how much the synaptic strengths are changed as a function of the firing rates. You can also derive Hebbian learning as a stochastic gradient descent for some specially crafted error functions.10

Logic and symbols as an alternative approach

The inspiration for neural networks is that they imitate the computations in the brain. Since the brain is capable of amazing things, that sounds like a good idea. But historically, before neural networks, the initial approach to AI was quite different. It was actually more like the world of planning we saw in Chapter 3, where the world states are discrete, and there are few if any continuous-valued numerical quantities.

In early AI, it was thought that logic is the very highest form of intelligence, and therefore, AI should be based on logic. Also, the principles of logic are well-known and clearly defined, based on hundreds of years of mathematics and philosophy, so they should provide, it was thought, a solid basis on which to build AI. In modern AI, such logic-based AI is not very widely used, but it is making a come-back: It is increasingly appreciated that intelligence is, at its best, a combination of neural networks and logic-based AI—now called “good old-fashioned” AI, or GOFAI for short. Such logic provides a form of intelligence that is in many ways completely different from neural network computations, as we will see next.

Binary logic vs continuous values

Mathematical logic is based on manipulating statements which are connected by operators such as AND and OR. For example, a robot might be given information in the form of a statement that “the juice has orange colour AND the juice is in the fridge”. Any statement can also be made negative by the NOT operator. An important assumption is such systems, in their classical form, is that any statement is either true or false; no other alternatives are allowed. This goes back to Aristotle and is often called the law of the “excluded third”. That is, truth values are binary (have two values).

Such logic is perfectly in line with the basic architecture of a typical computer. Current computers operate on just zeros and ones, and those zeros and ones can be interpreted as truth values: Zero is false and one is true. Such computers are also called “digital”, meaning that they process only a limited number of values, in this case just two. Our basic planning system in the preceding chapter, with its finite number of states of the world, was an example of building AI with such a discrete approach, and planning is fundamentally based on logical operations.

The brain, in contrast, computes with quantities which are in “analog” form, which means the continuous-valued numbers, which take a potentially infinite number of possible values. Artificial neural networks do exactly the same, as they are trying to mimick even this aspect of the brain. It is rather unnatural for the brain to manipulate binary data or to perform logical operations. It is possible only due to some very complex processes which we do not completely understand at the moment.

This distinction between digital and analog information-processing is another important difference between ordinary computers on the one hand, and the real brain or its imitation by neural networks on the other. (Earlier we saw the distinction between parallel and distributed processing in the brain versus the serial processing in an ordinary computer.) The digital nature of ordinary computers implies that any data that you input has to be converted to zeros and ones. This is actually a bit of a problem because a lot of data in the real world does not really consist of zeros and ones. For example, images are really intensities of light at different wavelengths, measured in a physical unit called “lux”. One pixel in an image might have an intensity of 1,536 lux and another 5,846 lux. It is, again, rather unnatural to represent such numbers using bits, which is why processing non-binary data such as images is relatively slow in modern computers, compared to binary operations.11

Categories and symbols

Saying that things are either true or false is related to thinking in terms of categories. Human thinking is largely based on using categories: We divide all the perceptual input—things that we see, hear, etc.—into classes with little overlap. Say, you divide all the animals in your world into categories such as cats, dogs, tigers, elephants, and so on, so that each animal belongs to one category—and usually just one. Then, you can start talking about the animals in terms of true and false. You can make a statement such as “Scooby is a dog”, and that is either true or false based on whether you included that particular animal in the dog category; any other (third) option is excluded.

Categories are usually referred to by symbols, which in AI are the equivalent of words in a human language. For example, we have a category referred to by the word “cat”, which includes certain “animals” (that’s another category, actually, but on a different level). Ideally, we have a single word that precisely corresponds to each single category, like the words “cat” and “animal” above. Such symbols are obviously quite arbitrary since in different languages the words are quite different for the same category. An AI system might actually just use a number to denote each category.

We see that logic-based processing goes hand-in-hand with using categories, which in its turn leads to what is sometimes called symbolic AI. These are all different aspects of GOFAI.

From hand-coded logic to learning

Historically, one promise of GOFAI was to help in medical diagnosis, where the programs were often called “expert systems”. This sounds like a case where categories must be useful since medical science uses various categories referring to symptoms (“cough”, “lower back pain”) as well as diagnoses (“flu”, “slipped disk”).

The basic approach was that a programmer asks a medical expert how a medical diagnosis is made, and then simply writes a program that performs the same diagnosis, or makes the same “decisions” in the technical jargon. For example, one decision-making process by the human expert might be translated into a formula such as

IF cough AND nasal congestion AND NOT high fever THEN diagnosis is common cold

However, this research line soon ran into major trouble. The main problem was that medical doctors, and indeed most human experts in any domain, are not able to verbally express the rules they use for decision-making with enough precision. This is rather surprising since we are operating with human language and well-known categories. The situation is different from neural networks where it is intuitively clear that no expert can directly tell what the synaptic weights should be, because their workings are so complex and counterintuitive. Yet, it turned out that even medical diagnoses are often based on intuitive recognition of patterns in the data, which is a form of tacit knowledge. Tacit knowledge means knowledge, or skills, which cannot be verbally expressed and communicated to others.

A major advance in such early AI was to understand that expert systems should actually learn the decision rules based on data. Again, learning provides a route to intelligence that is more feasible than trying to directly program an intelligent system. Given a database with symptoms of patients together with their diagnoses given by human experts, a machine learning system can learn to make diagnoses. Such learning is not so fundamentally different from learning by neural networks. What is different is that the data is categorical (“cough”, “no cough”), and the functions are computed in a different way, for example by combining logical operations such as AND, OR, and NOT.

Categorization and neural networks

By definition, such logic-based AI can only learn to deal with data which is given as well-defined categories. Yet, real data is often given as numbers instead of categories; even medical input variables often include numerical data in the form of lab test results. In this medical diagnosis, we have indeed a category called “high fever”. The system is effectively dividing the set of possible body temperatures into at least two categories, one of which is “high fever”. How are such categories to be defined? What is fever? What is low fever and what is high fever? Here we see a deep problem concerning how categories should be defined based on numerical data, such as sensory inputs.

Again, some progress can be made by learning, this time learning the categories themselves from data. The AI can consider a huge number of possible categorizations of body temperatures: It could try setting the threshold for high fever at any possible value. If there is enough data on previous diagnoses by human doctors, the system could use that to learn the best threshold. In fact, the right threshold could be found as the one that minimizes classification error.

However, while it is possible to learn categories in such very simple numerical data, GOFAI has great difficulties in processing complex numerical data. It is virtually impossible to use it to process high-dimensional sensory input, such as images consisting of millions of pixels. This was a rather big surprise for GOFAI researchers in the 1970s and 80s. After all, categorization of visual input is done so effortlessly by the human brain that it may seem to be easy. Yet, AI researchers working in the GOFAI paradigm found it to be next to impossible. The early research on GOFAI was fundamentally over-ambitious, grossly underestimating the complexity of the world, as well as the complexity of the brain processes we use to perceive and make decisions.

One reason for the current popularity of neural networks is that processing high-dimensional sensory data is precisely what they are good at. In fact, it is clear by now that neural networks operate in a completely different regime from such logic-based expert systems. There are no categories, and no symbols, in the inner workings of neural networks: What they typically operate on is numerical, sensory input such as images, or some transformations of such sensory input. Raw grey-scale values of pixels are kind of the opposite of neat, well-defined categories.

As such, neural networks and logic-based systems can complement each other in many ways. Usually the categories used by a logic-based system need to be recognized from sensory input, so a neural network can tell the logic-based system whether the input is a cat or a dog. In particular, a neural network can take sensory data as input, and its output can identify the states used in action selection; to begin with, it can tell the planning system what the current state of the agent is. In Chapter 7 we will consider in more detail this fundamental distinction between two different modes of intelligent information-processing, which are found both in AI and human neuroscience.

Emergence of unexpected behaviour

Finally, let me mention a phenomenon that is typical of any learning system. “Emergence” means that a new kind of phenomenon appears in some system due to complex interactions between its parts. It is a special case of the old idea, going back to Aristotle at least, that “the whole is more than the sum of its parts”. For example, systems of atoms have properties that atoms themselves do not—consider the fact that a brain can process information while single atoms hardly can. Likewise, evolution is based on emergence. Its objective function is given by evolutionary fitness, which sounds like a very simple objective function. Nevertheless, it has given rise to enormous complexity in the biological world, as well as human society. What is typical of such emergence is that its result is extremely difficult to predict based on knowledge of the laws governing the system. If the objective function given by fitness had been described to some super-intelligent alien race a few billion years ago, they would hardly have been able to predict what the world looks like these days.

Machine learning is really all about the emergence of artificial intelligence. We build a simple learning algorithm and give it a lot of data, and hope that intelligence emerges. It is the interaction between the algorithm and the data that gives rise to intelligence. This seems to work, if the algorithm is well designed, there is enough data of good quality, and sufficient computational power is available. Such emergence in machine learning is actually a bit different from emergence in other scientific disciplines. In physics, very simple natural laws by themselves can give rise to highly complex behaviour. In machine learning, the complexity of the behaviour of the system is, to a large extent, a function of the complexity of the data. In some sense, one could even say the complex behaviour learned by an AI does not emerge but is extracted, or “distilled”, from input data. The complexity of the input data is due to the complexity of the real world, which is obvious when inputting a million photographs into a neural network.

The emergent nature of the behaviour learned by an AI implies that, just like in evolution, there is often something unexpected in the resulting system. The complexity of the input data usually exceeds the intellectual capacities of the programmer. So, the programmer of an AI cannot really know what kind of behaviour will emerge: Often the system will end up doing something surprising.

In this book, we will encounter several forms of emergent properties in learning systems which are related to suffering. While some kind of suffering may be necessary as a signal that things are going wrong, we will also see how an intelligent, learning system will actually undergo much more suffering than one might have expected. To put it bluntly, a particularly intelligent system will find many more errors in its actions and its information-processing. In fact, finding such errors was necessary to make it so intelligent in the first place. Therefore, a learning system may learn to suffer much of the time, even though that is not what the programmer intended.