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Class relaaja.gui.HtmlPanel


public class HtmlPanel
extends JPanel
implements HyperlinkListener

Variable Index

 o html

Constructor Index

 o HtmlPanel(URL)

Method Index

 o hyperlinkUpdate(HyperlinkEvent)
Notification of a change relative to a hyperlink.
 o linkActivated(URL)
Follows the reference in an link.


 o html
 JEditorPane html


 o HtmlPanel
 public HtmlPanel(URL url)


 o hyperlinkUpdate
 public void hyperlinkUpdate(HyperlinkEvent e)
Notification of a change relative to a hyperlink.

 o linkActivated
 protected void linkActivated(URL u)
Follows the reference in an link. The given url is the requested reference. By default this calls setPage, and if an exception is thrown the original previous document is restored and a beep sounded. If an attempt was made to follow a link, but it represented a malformed url, this method will be called with a null argument.

u - the URL to follow

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