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Class relaaja.gui.GIFEncoder


public class GIFEncoder
extends Object
GIFEncoder is a class which takes an image and saves it to a stream using the GIF file format (Graphics Interchange Format). A GIFEncoder is constructed with either an AWT Image (which must be fully loaded) or a set of RGB arrays. The image can be written out with a call to Write.

Three caveats:

GIFEncoder is based upon gifsave.c, which was written and released by:

Sverre H. Huseby
Bjoelsengt. 17
N-0468 Oslo

Phone: +47 2 230539

Adam Doppelt

Variable Index

 o colors_
 o height_
 o id_
 o numColors_
 o pixels_
 o sd_
 o width_

Constructor Index

 o GIFEncoder(Image)

Method Index

 o write(OutputStream)
Writes the image out to a stream in the GIF file format.


 o width_
 short width_
 o height_
 short height_
 o numColors_
 int numColors_
 o pixels_
 byte pixels_[]
 o colors_
 byte colors_[]
 o sd_
 ScreenDescriptor sd_
 o id_
 ImageDescriptor id_
 public static final int MAX_MEM


 o GIFEncoder
 public GIFEncoder(Image image) throws AWTException


 o write
 public void write(OutputStream output) throws IOException
Writes the image out to a stream in the GIF file format. This will be a single GIF87a image, non-interlaced, with no background color.

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