DaCoPAn Software Engeneering Project

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Here are the latest versions of the DaCoPAn products.

DaCoPAn analyzer
Version: 1.0 May 31, 2004
Name Size Platform Description
dacopan-analyzer-1.0.tar.gz 1303154 Unix/Linux Source code and test files (tcpdump logs included)
dacopan-sample_logs-1.0.tar.gz 1180356 Platform independent Example tcpdump logs used to test the analyzer
DaCoPAn animator
Version: 1.0 May 31, 2004
Name Size Platform Description
dacopan-animator-1.0.jar 604062 Platform independent Compiled Java jar file
dacopan-animator-1.0.exe 682742 Win32 Windows installer
dacopan-animator-1.0-src.zip 585301 Platform independent Source code