[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'System' (#rtl)


Set codepage used when interpreting strings from OS single-byte filesystem APIs


Source position: systemh.inc line 1145

procedure SetMultiByteRTLFileSystemCodePage(

  CodePage: TSystemCodePage



SetMultiByteRTLFileSystemCodePage sets the codepage used to interprete strings returned by single-byte OS filesystem APIs to CodePage.

The effect of this change is that the default codepage used to translate single byte strings obtained from the OS to single-byte codepage-aware strings or multi-byte strings changes, and strings obtained from the codepage-aware filesystem APIs will be interpreted using the new codepage.

his constant is not used if the filesystem API of the OS is multi-byte (such as on Windows).

Do not set DefaultRTLFileSystemCodePage directly, as additional actions may need to be done when changing the code page.

See also



Set codepage used when passing strings to OS single-byte filesystem APIs



Set codepage for conversions from multi-byte strings to single-byte strings



Set codepage used when interpreting strings from OS single-byte filesystem APIs

Documentation generated on: Nov 16 2015