[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'Objects' (#rtl)


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

Generate a stream with strings, readable by TStringList


Source position: objects.pp line 551

type TStrListMaker = object(TObject) end;

  constructor Init();


Instantiate a new instance of TStrListMaker

  destructor Done; virtual;


Clean up the instance and free all related memory.

  procedure Put();


Add a new string to the list with associated key.

  procedure Store();


Write the strings to the stream.




Generate a stream with strings, readable by TStringList



Basis of all objects


The TStrListMaker object can be used to generate a stream with strings, which can be read with the TStringList object. If you register this object with the RegisterType function, you cannot register the TStringList object.

Documentation generated on: Nov 16 2015