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Standard implementation of a stream that stores its data in memory


Source position: classesh.inc line 965

type TMemoryStream = class(TCustomMemoryStream) end;


  destructor Destroy; override;


Frees any allocated memory and destroys the memory stream.

  procedure Clear;


Zeroes the position, capacity and size of the stream.

  procedure LoadFromStream();


Loads the contents of a stream into memory.

  procedure LoadFromFile();


Loads the contents of a file into memory.

  procedure SetSize(); override;


Sets the size for the memory stream.

  function Write(); override;


Writes data to the stream's memory.




Standard implementation of a stream that stores its data in memory




Abstract stream that stores its data in memory.




Base class for streams.




Base class of all classes.


TMemoryStream is a TStream descendent that stores it's data in memory. It descends directly from TCustomMemoryStream and implements the necessary to allocate and de-allocate memory directly from the heap. It implements the Write method which is missing in TCustomMemoryStream.

TMemoryStream also introduces methods to load the contents of another stream or a file into the memory stream.

It is not necessary to do any memory management manually, as the stream will allocate or de-allocate memory as needed. When the stream is freed, all allocated memory will be freed as well.

See also



Abstract stream that stores its data in memory.



Base class for streams.

Documentation generated on: Nov 16 2015