[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'sqldb' (#fcl)


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

Custom Class to handle SQL commands (with or without result set)


Source position: sqldb.pp line 411

type TCustomSQLQuery = class(TCustomBufDataset) end;


  constructor Create(); override;


Create a new instance of TCustomSQLQuery.

  destructor Destroy; override;


Destroy instance of TCustomSQLQuery

  procedure Prepare; virtual;


Prepare a query for execution.

  procedure UnPrepare; virtual;


Unprepare a prepared query

  procedure ExecSQL; virtual;


Execute a SQL statement that does not return a result set

  procedure SetSchemaInfo(); virtual;


SetSchemaInfo prepares the dataset to retrieve schema info.

  function RowsAffected; virtual;


Return the number of rows (records) affected by the last DML/DDL statement

  function ParamByName();


Return parameter by name

  property Prepared: Boolean; [r]


Is the query prepared ?

  property SQLConnection: TSQLConnection; [rw]


Database as TSQLConnection

  property SQLTransaction: TSQLTransaction; [rw]


Transaction as TSQLTransaction

  procedure ApplyUpdates(); override; overload;


Apply updates and check result

  procedure Post; override;


Post pending changes and optionally apply updates

  procedure Delete; override;


Delete and optionally apply updates




Custom Class to handle SQL commands (with or without result set)






TCustomSQLQuery encapsulates a SQL statement: it implements all the necessary #fcl.db.TDataset functionality to be able to handle a result set. It can also be used to execute SQL statements that do not return data, using the ExecSQL method.

Do not instantiate a TCustomSQLQuery class directly, instead use the TSQLQuery descendent.

See also



Class to handle SQL commands (with or without result set)

Documentation generated on: Nov 16 2015