13th European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML'02)
6th European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PKDD'02)
19-23 August 2002
Practical Information
Workshop Participation and Publication ·
Tutorial Participation and Publication ·
Submission Information
How to Propose a Workshop ·
How to Propose a Tutorial ·
How to Propose a Tutorial/Workshop Combination ·
Important Dates ·
Contact Information
Workshop Chairs ·
Tutorial Chairs ·
With this call we are inviting proposals for tutorials and workshops to be held during the conference week of ECML/PKDD 2002. These tutorials and workshops will be freely accessible to participants of the joint conference. They will take place on August 19 and 20, before the start of the main conference. Workshops and workshop/tutorial combinations (see below) will last for a full day, while tutorials will be half-day events. We currently foresee up to 6 tutorials, 6 workshops, and 2 workshop/tutorial combinations. However, these numbers are subject to change.
Workshops provide organizers and participants an opportunity to discuss current topics in machine learning and/or data mining in a small and interactive atmosphere. Thus, any topic that is of current interest to a sufficient number of participants from the two communities could be the focus of a workshop. Workshops can choose to concentrate in-depth on research topics, but can also be devoted to application issues, or to questions concerning the economic and social aspects of machine learning and data mining.
Tutorials should provide an introduction and/or a review of the state-of-the-art of a topic that is of interest to attendants of a machine learning or a data mining conference. These could be on particular research topics within the two fields, but could also be on topics from other research fields if the proposal makes clear why this is considered to be an important topic for researchers from other areas. A tutorial must be broad enough to cover a research area in which there is a significant publication activity in the community. Presentations that focus on the presenters' own research results or commercial presentations are not eligible.
As workshops and tutorial are in a sense complementary, we also welcome proposals for combined tutorial-workshop events. The general idea is that the tutorial gives an introduction to the field of the workshop, making the workshop accessible to a broader audience.
All workshop participants are required to register for the main conference, and must specify which workshop they are going to attend. If you intend to allow access to the workshop by invitation only, or would like to see the number of participants limited, then please clearly indicate so. To make it easier for workshop organizers to attract invited speakers, a limited number of invited speakers can be allowed at workshops without registration for the main conference if they do not attend the conference.
Workshop proceedings have to be prepared camera-ready by the workshop organizers. They will be printed by the ECML/PKDD organizers. There may be a joint paper style for the proceedings.
In addition, there will be a joint Web-publication of all the workshop proceedings after the conference. Hence, electronic submissions to the workshops are strongly encouraged, and the workshop organizers are expected to provide an online version of their proceedings (a table of contents with pointers to postscript versions of the papers is sufficient).
All tutorials can be freely accessed by registered conference participants. There will be a limited number of conference fee waivers for tutorial presenters.
Tutorial presenters are expected to prepare hands out for the audience, which will be printed by the ECML/PKDD organizers. It is also planned to make the tutorial materials available in electronic form on the conference Web site before the start of the conference. Consequently, tutorial presenters are expected to make their materials available several weeks before the start of the conference.
In addition, we will consider the publication of survey papers based on the presented tutorials in the form of a special issue in an international journal.
Workshop proposals should contain the necessary information for the workshop chairs and reviewers to judge the importance, quality and community interest in the proposed topic. Each workshop should have one or more designated organizers and workshop program or organizing committee. When proposing a workshop, please provide (at least) the following information:
Description of the workshop topic and
Why do you believe this is an interesting and
significant topic, and why do you believe the workshop is best held at
ECML/PKDD? What are the main goals of the workshop, and how would
participants benefit from it?
Intended audience.
From which areas do you
expect potential participants to come? How many participants do you
expect, can you already name some of them? Are there any limitations to
participation (e.g., maximum number of participants, or by invitation
only)? How are you going to publicize your workshop?
Organization of the workshop.
describe the intended format of the workshop. Are you going to schedule
invited talks, presentations, panel discussions, other methods for
ensuring an interactive atmosphere? Are there any plans to document the
workshop results (beyond ECML/PKDD's Web publication)? What would be the
ideal duration of the workshop (three sessions / four sessions)?
Organizers' details.
Please provide
complete addresses including Web pages of all organizers and committee
members. For the main organizers, please indicate which background they
have in the proposed topic.
Please submit your workshop proposals by E-Mail to both ECML/PKDD workshop chairs. The proposals will be reviewed by these chairs in close collaboration with the program committee.
Tutorial proposals should contain all information that the proposer considers to be relevant for judging the relevance of the tutorial. In particular, it should contain a short overview of the area that will be covered including an outline of the tutorial in the form of a structured list of topics, a description of the target audience and information about the scientific qualifications of the presenter(s) including their experience on teaching the material of the tutorial, if possible accompanied by some sample material (e.g., slides or hand-outs from a previous tutorial or a course the presenters taught). All materials should be submitted by E-mail to both ECML/PKDD tutorial chairs. The proposals will be reviewed by these chairs in close collaboration with the program committee.
Proposals for joint tutorial-workshop events can be made by sending separate workshop and tutorial proposals to the respective chairs, clearly indicating on each proposal that this is a joint event, and also stating reasons why such a joint event is preferable over just a workshop or tutorial. It is possible for joint proposals to have only the workshop or tutorial part accepted.
Tutorial and workshop proposals will be due on March 1st, 2002. All workshops will have the same submission deadlines, which are given below. In order to guarantee a timely production of the proceedings, both the camera-ready copy and a Web-version of tutorial notes and workshop proceedings must be ready by July 12th, 2002.
Workshop/tutorial proposal deadline: 01.03.2002
Workshop/tutorial acceptance notification: 15.03.2002
Workshop CfP's for Web: 01.04.2002
Tutorial summary for Web: 08.04.2002
WS paper submission deadline: 24.05.2002
WS paper acceptance notification: 14.06.2002
WS paper camera-ready deadline: 01.07.2002
Workshop proceedings and tutorial notes (camera- and Web-ready): 12.07.2002
Workshop Chairs |
Hendrik Blockeel |
Jean-François Boulicaut |
Tutorial Chairs |
Johannes Fürnkranz |
Myra Spiliopoulou |