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3 ML Configuration

3.1 The Network Configuration


Before using this program, you must instruct it where to find your mailboxes.
From the Main Window->Option->Preferences menu, you may define which configuration is to be your "default" configuration on program startup. This must be a "mail" configuration, not "news".

Figure 3.1: The Network Configuration Window 

3.1.1 Configuration Name

  This name is used anywhere in the program where you need to select a mailbox, and is a "nickname" given to the appropriate configuration. You may have as many configurations as you desire, each pointing to a different collection of mailboxes. Every name must be unique.

3.1.2 Server Hostname

  The Internet Domain Name of the server which supplies this set of mailboxes. If you leave this field blank, you will only be able to access mailboxes on your local machine.

3.1.3 My Login Name

  If the mailbox server requires a login, set this to the login name you wish to use.

3.1.4 Default Mailbox

  The name of the initially selected mailbox for this configuration. For mail servers, this should be INBOX. For news servers, you may use any newsgroup you choose, or none.

3.1.5 Service Type Toggles

Only one of these may be selected at a time.

tex2html_wrap_inline2600 local mail
Your mailboxes are on the machine running this program. They will be opened as files, without using any communications protocol.

tex2html_wrap_inline2600 local news
Your newsgroups are on the machine running this program. They will be accessed as files, without running any communications protocol. Note that newsgroup "postings" may only be delivered via the NNTP service. The Compose Window->Option->Configure Window allows you to define the delivery system. When using Copy/Move from local news, you should select a target configuration which supports multiple mailboxes, and is a mail system, generally of type "local mail" or "IMAP".

tex2html_wrap_inline2600 NNTP news
Use the Network News Transport Protocol on the given server to access your newsgroups. If no Server Hostname is supplied, it will be set to "localhost". You must still set a delivery system from the Compose Window->Options->Configure Window. This may be the same system. When using Copy/Move from an NNTP server, you should select a target configuration which supports multiple mailboxes, and is a mail system, generally of type "local mail" or "IMAP".

tex2html_wrap_inline2600 POP mail
Use the Post Office Protocol (version 3) to access your mail. The POP protocol is extrememly limited, and does not support multiple mailboxes. If you do not supply a Server Hostname, it will be set to "localhost". When using Copy/Move from a POP server, you should select a target Configuration which supports multiple mailboxes, such as "local mail" or "IMAP".

tex2html_wrap_inline2600 IMAP mail
The default. Use the Internet Message Access Protocol to access your mailboxes. If no Server Hostname is supplied, it will be set to "localhost".

tex2html_wrap_inline2600 IMAP (set)
Use this if your IMAP server requires a unique TCP channel, or if you can make use of the "rsh" automatic login feature. It will prompt you for the number of the TCP communication port. (Advanced option). See the Help menu there for more information on using the "rsh" login.

3.1.6 The File Menu

3.1.7 TCP Port Selection


Figure 3.2: The TCP Port Selection Window 

This option only applies to IMAP servers, and allows you to select an alternate port on the server. A TCP port is a communications channel much like a TV channel. IMAP by default runs on channel 143. In some areas where a server needs to support multiple version of IMAP, this may be located elsewhere (145 is a popular choice). Do not change this unless you know which TCP channel you server uses. EXCEPT, by setting this number to '0', you will instruct ML to attempt to communicate with the server using the "rsh" protocol. If the server is setup appropriately, and your machine has "rsh" access to it, it is possible to login automatically without requiring a password. This is generally disastrous on machines connected via dialin lines; and may hang the system. Contact your server administrator or Internet Service Provider to find out if this option is available from your system.

3.2 The Preferences Window


This is where you set the program to do "the right thing". You should do this when you run the program for the first time. There are some acronyms in this section you may be unfamiliar with. Don't worry if you don't understand them. If your local "computer people" set everything up correctly, most of these fields should have been automatically set for you to do "the right thing".

Your preferences are saved into a file (by default) called "$HOME/.mlprefs", where "$HOME" is your home directory on the system you are logged into when running the program. This file contains all of your preference settings, your address book entries, and your filter rule definitions.

When you select "Accept" from this window, your preferences will be updated with any new values you have entered. If you select "Cancel", any changes you made will be discarded, and the orginal values will remain in effect.

Please also check the Configure section, and also the Configure section available from the Compose Window, which define other important information for mail access and delivery settings. Preferences

Figure 3.3: The Preferences Window 

3.2.1 Option Descriptions

3.2.2 Using Multiple Preference Files


In some cases, it may be necessary for you to have a different set of preferences on one machine than another, and both machines might use the same networked home directory. To allow for this, the program will always look for "$HOME/.mlprefs.$HOSTNAME" and if it exists, use it for storing and loading your preferences for this session. If it can't be found, it will then look for "$HOME/.mlprefs".

We don't have an easy way within the program to generate this machine specific file. You can use your operating system to create it by copying your existing "$HOME/.mlprefs" file. The $HOSTNAME part needs to match exactly what the network utilities on your system know the hostname to be, but adjusted to lower-case. If you have trouble matching this correctly, tell a Unix wizard in your organization (if you know one) that you need "the lower-cased name returned by gethostbyname() when fed an input of gethostname()". Hopefully they can arrange this. If such a person doesn't exist, you'll probably have try a few things experimentally. Let's say your machine name is "Barney.PODUNK.EDU". As a first cut, use a filename of

If that fails, try just
If it still fails, you're on your own. Sorry. We're trying to automate this, but it hasn't been completed yet.

3.3 The Option Settings Window


Figure 3.4: The Option Settings Window 

3.3.1 Numeric Options

The following options are all numeric. If you type anything besides numbers into these fields, it will be discarded, and the value will revert to the orginal default. The numbers must all be positive integral values. (No exponents, decimal points, or negative values). Many of these will also not accept a value of '0'. Exceptions to this will be noted.

3.3.2 Toggle Options

The following items may be set to "true" or "false". Any other setting will revert to "false".

3.4 Configuring MIME handlers


This program uses three files to configure itself for viewing or handling MIME attachments. MIME stands for "Multimedia Internet Mail Extensions", and is a standard form for providing arbitrary information including images and audio through the normally text-based mail system.

The location of these files can be tailored on a per-user basis via preferences. The default is the LIBDIR (/usr/local/lib/ml), which may be tailored for all users on the system. If users wish to over-ride this default location, they need to set a new directory location via their preferences, and then copy the three files (not all of which are necessarily in existence) to this personal directory. Then these files may be edited to personal taste. Following are detailed descriptions of the three files involved.

3.4.1 /usr/local/lib/ml/mime.types


Defines all known MIME types. The types known to me are built-in to the program, so this file need not be present. If it is, it over-rides the built-in type list, and therefore must contain all known MIME types. It is simply a list, one entry per line, with MIME type/subtype strings and no leading or trailing whitespace. You may wish to create this list "in reverse", since the first entry will appear last in the program's list.



3.4.2 /usr/local/lib/ml/


Defines filename extension to MIME type/subtype mapping; for use when loading file attachments. Several default types are built-in to the program. If this file exists, it will over-ride the built-in filename extension mappings, so must be complete. It contains a filename suffix, white space, and a MIME type/subtype pair, one to a line. Uppercase and lowercase differences are ignored.

For example:

	.ps	application/postscript
	.c	text/plain
	.Z	application/octet-stream
	.gif    image/gif

3.4.3 /usr/local/lib/ml/mime.handlers


Defines MIME handlers or "helper applications" for processing attachments. A few types are built-in to the program and cannot be over-ridden. This list of built-in types may change in future releases.

	message/external-body	(we handle mail-server and FTP access
				only. Other types can be externally processed).

The file contains type/subtype pairs, followed by a semi-colon, and then the complete command to execute to "view" the attachment. If %s is in the command, the message will come from a temporary file, otherwise the message will come from stdin. Only one %s (and no other % characters) may appear. If the program requires a TTY for keyboard interaction, be certain to prefix the command a command to launch an interactive terminal, such as "xterm -e".

After the "view" command, you may optional provide a space followed by $COMPOSE= and a command to compose a message of this type. This command MUST put its results in a file, designated by %s.

You may have either a view handler or a compose handler, or both. An entry for a specific type is terminated by an end-of-line. There are no "continuation lines". If you use "metamail" (from Bellcore Labs), this type of file file format should be vaguely familiar, although there are several differences between this format and the metamail mailcap file. It is possible to use many of the metamail handlers, just be aware of the possible need to specify an xterm, and the differences in $COMPOSE== syntax. A sample file is included below, showing what I use for basic support. Any handlers not specified results in a file-save request when viewed. Additionally, a preference available in the Options Settings menu, allows you to be prompted before executing any external view handler (including none), and allows you to change it. This setting is "true" by default, so there is no need to edit the preferences file except to turn it off, which allows automatic processing with no interaction (where possible).


	audio/basic; play %s $COMPOSE=xterm -e audiocompose %s
	image/gif; xv %s $COMPOSE=xgrabsc -s 2 -xwd | xwdtogif > %s
	image/tiff; xv %s
	image/jpeg; xv %s
	video/mpeg; mpeg_play %s
	message/external-body; $COMPOSE=xterm -e extcompose %s
	application/postscript; lpr %s
	application/pgp; xterm -e pgp %s 
	text/richtext; xterm -e richtext %s
	text/html; netscape file://localhost%s

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Wed Jan 24 13:31:26 MET 1996